v. clear one’s throat. Miagáhad siya, unyà nangluwà, He cleared his throat, then spat; n. action of clearing the throat.
v. 1. give the hand to lead or lend support. Akù siyang agákun tapun sa karsáda, I’ll help him cross the street; 2. guide someone in moral principles. Kitang mga hamtung angayang muágak sa mga batan-un, We older folks should guide the younger generation. -ay see ágak. mag-r-(→), mag-r- n. trainer, one who guides others in learning something -l-un(→) a. weak, to be led when walking. Gúlang na táwun si Lúlu alagakun ug mulakaw, Grandpa is so old that he is to be led when he walks.
v. 1. for chickens to make the clucking sound of being disturbed. Miagak-ak ang manuk kay nasangkilan, The chicken squawked when someone touched it. 2. cackle, squawk with laughter.
n. boss
n. employer
n. lord
n. master
(from ágad) n. master, boss; v. 1. happen to get a master. Nakaagawun akug dagmalan, I happened to work for a cruel master; 2. for animals or possessions to allow only the owner to make use of it. Nag-agawun kining ákung kabáyù, aku ray makakabayù, My horse is choosy. I’m the only one who can ride on him. paN- v. work for a master. Mangagálun lang kug way láing kapangabuhían, I’ll work as a servant if I can’t find any other job. Insik ang íyang gipangagawunan, He worked for a Chinese.
n. sand-like pellets which are the droppings of a kind of wood-boring insect; v. be infested with wood-borers. -un(→) a. having agan-an.
1. exclamation uttered upon experiencing pain. Agáng sakíta! Ouch, how painful! 2. exclamation of disbelief or disgust. Agáng, ikaw na lang nawnga ang manlangyaw? Tapulan! Humph! The likes of you immigrating? You’re too lazy.
v. 1. hesitate before doing something Miagang-agang kug palit, mau nga naunhan aku, I hesitated before buying, so someone got it before me. Dílì ku nímu ángay nga agang-agangan, You should not hesitate (to ask) me. 2. shoulder work, responsibility, and other duties which ought to be done by someone else. Dílì maáyu nga ang mga inahan mauy muagang-agang (mangagang-agang) sa trabáhu sa balay ug dagkù na ang mga anak, It’s not good for a mother to do the household chores when her children are big. -un a. tending to shouldering work, responsibilities, and the like which should be done by other persons.
a. 1. in a great hurry to do something Agap ka ra kaáyung misudyà níya, You were much too quick to remind him he was wrong; 2. intensely interested in obtaining something Aku nga agap ug salapì mihátag sa ákung láwas, Greedy for money, I surrendered my body; v. 1. make haste to. Agapun nátù pagtabuk únà magbálud, Let’s make haste to cross before the waves rise; 2. be after something Nagpabulubuútan uruy nà siya kay nag-agap man ug dulsi, He is pretending to be well-behaved because he is interested in getting candy.
n. kind of mullet.
v. claim as his own something owned in common with someone else or belonging to someone else. Hasta ang ákung tutbras ímung agaráhun, You want to lay claim to my toothbrush, too? Giagaráhan mig yútà sa asindíru, The landowner laid claim to our land.
ouch! Agaray! Bídang sakíta nímung mangusì! Ouch! That pinch hurt; v. say ‘ouch’.
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