n. crew on a ship, member of a ship’s crew; v. 1. be a member of the crew. Barkung istranghíru ang ákung gitripulantíhan, I was a crew member on a foreign ship; 2. have as a member of the crew.
number three; v. 1. get to be three, make something three. Mutrís na siya karung Marsu, He’ll be three this March. Hápit na siya matrís, di pa gihápun kalakaw, He’s almost three and he still can’t walk. Trísa (itrís) lang ning isdà, Let me have this fish for three pesos (lit. make it three pesos). 2. give or get three (pesos, centavos, etc.). Kinsang maistráha nagtrís nímu? Which teacher gave you a grade of three? Nakatrís ku sa paglinimpiya, I earned three pesos polishing shoes; 3. incur expenses amounting to three. Hitrísan ku sa búlang, I lost three pesos in the cockpit. alas — three o’clock. — andánas n. three-storey building. — anyus three years. tris-adus a. 1. vision that is cross-eyed; 2. three-to-two odds in betting; v. be cross-eyed. Nagtris-adus ang ímung panan-aw, You are cross-eyed. — bandas n. three-sided billiards, where the ball is made to bounce off three edges. tris-idus see tris-adus. — kantus n. three-edged blade, file, or anything that can have three edges. — kwartas three-fourths. — nuybis n. in mahjong, a combination of three nines of different designs, one of the iksibisiyun combinations. — únus an iksibisiyun combination in mahjong of three one’s. -ay n. betting for three (centavos, pesos) each time; v. bet three each play. Magtrisay tag baráha, Let’s play cards with three-peso bets. -un a. of the three (peso, centavo) kind. Trisun man nang gidak-úna, That size costs three pesos each. tag- a. three centavos (pesos) each. tag-un a. of the type that costs three centavos (pesos).
see alundris.
n. 1. a devotion offered to the Blessed Trinity for thanksgiving; 2. a kind of rosary usually said or sung in Spanish for the souls of children under three years of age: prayed for seven nights in the case of children one or two years old, and three nights for infants.
number thirteen; v. see disiutsu. — kartas see *tirtin kards. — klásis n. kind of Chinese medicine, a drink made of thirteen kinds of herbs or barks, commonly taken during pregnancy for ease in delivery.
see traysikul.
see tirsiyupílu.
n. tracer used in dressmaking; v. trace with a tracer. Trisíran úsà nà unyà subáyug gunting, Trace it, then cut it out with scissors. — búlit n. tracer bullet.
a. sad. (literary). Pagkatristi ning ákung dughan, How sad this heart of mine is.
see tisuríru (female).
see trayanggul.
n. in mahjong, a set of three cards of the same design and number.
n. vocal trio; v. sing a vocal trio. Nagtríyu ang Litirmin, The Lettermen sang a trio. Triyúha lang kun way báhu, Make it a trio if there is no bass part.
n. throne
n. troop
n. log
n. timber
n. stiff-collared shirt; v. wear, make into a stiff-collared shirt.
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