n. swing music; v. play in swing time.
n. swing to swing on.
n. sweeper, the child assigned by the teacher to sweep; v. be the sweeper. -unun n. one’s turn to be the sweeper.
n. sweepstakes, the national lottery, the winners of which are usually determined by horse races; v. hold the sweepstakes.
n. 1. luck, good fortune. Ug may swirti ka makahálin ka ug tulu ka tíbi ang simána, With luck you can sell three TV sets a week. Swirti nga nahitabù tu kay nahibaw-an ang íyang binúang, It was a good thing that that happened because I found out what he had been doing; 2. fate, fortune. Íyang swirti nga maminyù ug bálu, It is her fate to marry a widower. Swirti nga naabut ang amahan ug naabtan sila, Unfortunately the father arrived and they were caught in the act; v. 1. do something lucky by chance. Nakaswirti ku ug pílì sa únang ganti, By luck I picked the one that won first prize; 2. be, get to be lucky. Muswirti usáhay pud ang ákung pangisdà, Sometimes I turn out lucky in my fishing. swirtiswirti a. chancy, a matter of luck. Swirtiswirti kanúnay ang panágat ug maáyu nga mangítà ka ug trabáhu, Fishing is a chancy occupation, and you would do better to look for work; v. be, get to be lucky at times.
n. kind of finely woven imported cloth.
n. chant
n. slow music; v. dance to slow music. swit myúsik see swít.
a. clever, smart and mischievous at the same time. Swítik kaáyung batáa, kay mangáyù nákù bisag natagaan na siyang Máma, What a clever rascal. He asks me for money when his Mother already gave him some; v. 1. be clever and haughty; 2. deceive with sleight of hand, esp. in cards. Ug wà pa tu switíka sa nagbangka, alas untà tuy ákung madáwat, If the dealer hadn’t cheated, I would have gotten an ace.
n. sweater, sweatshirt; v. wear, make into a sweater or sweatshirt.
a. 1. know how to do something Swítu kaáyu siya sa panágat, He knows all about fishing; 2. familiar with a place. Swítu kaáyu siya ug ásang pampaman, He knows where all the bawdy houses are; v. 1. come to know something Naswítu na ku sa inyung sikrítu, I have found out your secret; 2. go s.w. to find out something Switúha didtu ug naunsa nang ílang ámut, Go and find out what happened to their contribution.
v. shout. Walà siya makasyágit kay gitiúnan ug pusil, She wasn’t able to shout because a gun was pointed at her. Isyágit ang ímung tubag, Shout out your answer; n. shout.
n. tidbit made of flour, and optionally eggs, formed into long slender pieces and deep fried in fat; v. make, make into syákuy.
see unsingálan.
n. hair shampoo; v. shampoo. Dì ku musyampu (manyampu) kay manglarut ang ákung buhuk, I don’t use shampoo because I am losing my hair.
see pantíhan.
v. 1. go shopping for dry goods. Magsyáping ka sa Wayit Guld? Will you go shopping in the White Gold (department store)? 2. window-shop.
see tsapirun.
n. kind of shrub of waste places, the bark of which makes a weak rope.
v. for a cock to fight by making thrusts with the feet. Syapúlun (syapúlan) dáyun nang inyung manuk sa akúa, My cock will attack yours with his feet instantly; n. action of fighting, making thrusts with the feet. -in-an(→) n. manner of fighting in this way.
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