v. 1. go about, stroll. Diin ka musúruy gabíi? Where did you go to last night? Isúruy ang bátà sa parki, Take the child for a stroll in the park; 1a. ika- presentable (lit. can be worn for strolling). Dílì ku mauwaw sa ákung uyab kay ikasúruy man pud, I am not ashamed to be seen with my girl friend because she is pretty; 2. bring something around. Nagsúruy siyag isdà, She peddles fish. Isúruy ang mga ilimnun sa mga bisíta, Bring the drinks around to the visitors. libud — a. given to wandering about with no useful purpose; v. become a vagabond. (→) bagduy see libud súruy. suruysúruy v. 1. promenade, take a pleasure stroll. Magsuruysúruy ta sa baybáyun, Let’s take a walk by the beach; 2. roam about uselessly. Nagpúnay lang siyag suruysuruy ug way nahímù, All he ever did was roam about and never accomplished anything. sinurúyan n. 1. something gained as a result of going about; 2. a woman’s child born out of wedlock (lit. something obtained as a result of reckless wandering). 2a. one’s eldest child (humorous). maN-r-(←) n. peddler.
oh great
see hisus, n2. — maryusip see hisusmaryusip.
n. sodium hydroxide in white powder form used for making laundry soap.
v. 1. commit suicide. Nagsusáyid siya kay dispirádu, He committed suicide because he was disappointed in love; 2. do something, gamble against very great odds (lit. commit suicide). Mususáyid lang kug kúhà sa tist bísag wà ku katuun, I’ll just take a long chance on the examination, even if I didn’t study. Isusáyid kug siyut ning tanan kung kwarta, I’ll bet all my money, come what may; 2a. in rummy, pick up a card one needs but for which must also pick up a large number of other cards which will be a burden.
v. 1. look into something, go and see to find something out. Nagsúsi mi sa mangga human sa bagyu, We went to see what became of the mango tree after the storm. Wà ku makasúsi ug dúna pa bay túbig ang bangà, I have not gone to see if there is still water in the jar; 1a. look into, investigate. Susíhun sa Inbíay ang anumalíya sa Iltísi, The NBI will look into the LTC anomalies. (→) v. 1. come across something, inadvertently find something out. Hingsusihan námù sila nga nagtabakù ug ampiyun, We discovered them smoking opium; 2. come into information about something Nakasusi giyud ku ánang mga makina kay dúgay kung trabáhu sa taliyir, I got to learn something about engines because I worked in a shop for a long time. susisusi v. make inquiries about someone’s life, doings, habits, and the like, usually maliciously. pa- v. have a medical examination. Ipasúsi ang bátà sa duktǔr, Have the child examined by the doctor. paki- v. ask for information, inquire. Didtu mi ni Kaduy magpakisúsi báhin sa yútang ibaligyà, We asked for information from Cadoy about the land for sale; n. investigation, inquiry.
v. subscribe to a periodical. Gustu ka bang mususkribir sa Tayims? Do you want to subscribe to the Times?
n. subscription.
n. subscriber.
(from Hisus and Maríya) interjection 1. expressing helpless frustration at something which happened or about which nothing can be done. Susmaríya ning batáa! Giyabu na pud ag gátas sa lamísa, Goodness, this child! He spilled the milk all over the table again; 2. expressing reaction to fright. Susmaríya, pwirting kuráta nákù, Heavens! I sure was frightened.
n. nipple
n. snail
n. peso or one peso (slang).
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