v. 1. solve, find a solution or answer. Átung sulbárun ning kahimtánga kay dì ni madala nátù ug hilakhílak, We will find a solution because we cannot get it over with by crying; 2. undo a knot. Nasulbad ang baligtus sa písi, The knot of the rope came undone; n. solution to a problem. Dì siya manug-an sa sulbad sa tanghágà, He won’t tell us the solution to the puzzle; a. solved. sulbaran n. swivel in a fishline, a revolving link placed between the line and leader to prevent kinking. kasulbáran, kasulbarun n. solution reached. Walay kasulbáran ning sulirána, There’s no solution to this problem.
v. solve a personal problem or puzzle. Dílì ku masulbǎr king mga prublíma ku, I can’t find a solution to my problems.
v. splash up, rise rapidly. Pagbutu sa bumba sa dágat misulbung ang daghang túbig, When the bomb exploded in the sea, a lot of water splashed into the air. Nagsulbung pa ang asu sa súnug pag-abut námù, The smoke of the fire was still gushing upwards when we arrived; a. for the voice, fever to rise. Singgit sa kahadluk misulbung gíkan sa nanan-aw, A cry of fear rose from the spectators. Pastilang nakasulbung sa prisyu! My, how the prices have risen!
v. solder; n. solder. -dur(→) n. soldering iron or gun. maN-r- n. solderer.
n. soldier; v. be, become a soldier.
see suhì.
v. 1. look at something to find something out. Sulíha ang pitákag dúna bay kwarta, Look into the wallet to see if there is any money. Hisulihan siya nga patay na, He was found dead; 2. look for something Nagsúli ku sa ákung kábaw nga nakabuhì, I’m looking for my carabao which got loose. sulisúli v. peep. Hilabihan níyang nakasulisúli nímu sa lyabihánan! How he peeped at you through the keyhole!
v. put fire to something Nasakpan na ang nagsulib sa katubhan, They have apprehended the man who set the sugar cane field on fire.
a. crooked, not straight, askew. Sulibag kaáyu ang ákung gibadlis, The line I drew is too crooked; v. come out crooked, cause something to do so. Ikay nagsulibag sa linya, You made the line crooked. Musulibag (masulibag) giyud ning ákung sinulatan ug way linyang subáyan, My writing comes out all crooked when I don’t have lines to follow. (←) see sulibag, v.
n. name given to fish of the genus Caesio which are rounded (but not so broad as the bilásun).
n. small twine, thread of two or more strands twisted together; v. make a thread of this sort. -in- see súlid, n.
v. 1. glare at someone with the eyes wide open. Musulíkat gánì ku, paháwà dáyun, If I glare, better beat it at once; 2. for the eyeballs to roll up into the forehead. Misulíkat ang mata sa bátang nagkumbulsiyun, The child’s eyes rolled up into his forehead when he had convulsions. (→) a. for the eyes to be rolled up into the forehead. Ang táwung sulikat ug mata mu rag pirming maghangad, A person with rolled-up eyes always seems to be looking up; n. 1. a defect of the eyes where the eyelids don’t close from disease or injury. Dì siya ilhan ug natúlug ba kay sulikat siya ug mata, You never know whether he is asleep or not because his eyes don’t close; 2. one with such an eye defect; v. get this defect.
a. having one eye looking off in a direction it shouldn’t, e.g. when one has one weak eye which fails to move; v. develop this defect.
adj. cockeyed
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