List of Cebuano words starting with the letter P - Page 329



n. plantation; v. have a plantation.



n. 1. list of permanent employees. Wà ka sa plantilya kay kaswal pa ka, You are not in the roster because you are a temporary employee; 2. cut-out pattern, sheet pattern; v. 1. make a list of employees; 2. make, make with a pattern. Plantilyaha (iplantilya) ning dáan nga sín, Use this old iron sheet for your patterns. Plantilyáhi ang panaptun arun sayun ra tabásun, Use a pattern on the cloth so that it will be easy to cut.



n. 1. flatiron; 2. trowel; 3. crew cut; a. for iron sheets to be flat and smooth. Plantsang sín ang itaptap sa lamísa, Cover the table with smooth sheets of tin; v. 1. iron something Plantsáha ri day, Please iron this for me, Miss; 1a. flatten out metal sheets that are corrugated or wrinkled; 2. smooth out cement; 3. give a crew cut. plantsahan n. ironing board. -du, -wu n. ironed clothes. -dur(→) n. presser; v. become a presser. -in- n. 1. something ironed; 2. crew cut. plantsahun, plantsahúnun, plantsaduhun n. clothes to iron.



n. 1. plan of something constructed on a piece of ground; 2. plan, program of what one is going to do. 2a. plan, intention. Wà kuy plánu paglangyaw, I have no plans to go abroad; v. 1. make a plan of something; 2. make plans, devise a plan for something Akuy muplánu sa kasal, I’ll make the wedding plans. Giplánu giyug maáyu ang pagtúlis sa bangku, The bank robbery was well planned; 2a. plan, intend to do something.



n. ribbing of a boat to which the walling is attached; v. make the ribbing for a boat.



n. flash equipment of a camera; v. flash news over the radio or on the screen. Ang kalit nga kamatáyun sa prisidinti sa násud giplás sa radiyu karun, The sudden death of the president was flashed over the radio now. -ing n. 1. appearance of the characters on stage before a play begins; 2. short advertisement flashed on the screen in the movies before the show begins.



v. flush the toilet, flush water over an area. Iplás ang kasilyas humag gámit, Flush the toilet after using it. Giplásan níya ug túhig ang húgaw sa salug sa banyu, She flushed water over the bathroom floor to get rid of the dirt; n. flush mechanism.

plas balb


n. flash bulb.



n. plaza, a public square or market place in a city or town; v. make a plaza.



n. 1. feast celebrated in the evening before All Souls’ Day where food is prepared as an offering to the departed. Originally it was unsalted and put at the altar or before a grave. It marks the end of a novena; 2. the food prepared for this occasion; 3. funeral rites preceding a burial accompanied or followed by a solemn tolling of bells. Human sa plasíbu dad-un sa mintiryu ang minatay, After the church ceremony the body will be taken to the cemetery; 3a. the tolling of the bells for the dead; v. hold this feast or funeral ceremony. paN- v. partake of this feast. Mamlasíbu ta karung gabíi sa íla, We will participate in their All Souls’ Eve celebration.



n. flashing at the edge of a roof; v. put up the flashing at the edge of a roof.



n. 1. hand in mahjong consisting of only one unit: sirkuls, or bambu, or karaktir with any other combination of wind pieces (bintus) or dragons (drágun). 2. flush hand in a card game. Lúpig ang plásis sa pulháwus, A flush can’t beat a full house.



n. long, wooden straightedge of no standard length.



n. flashlight; v. shine a flashlight on, use a flashlight.

see palastǎr.



n. 1. plastic; 2. plastic surgery; v. perform plastic surgery. — surdyiri n. plastic surgery.



adj. plastic



n. medical plaster or adhesive. — ab paris n. plaster of Paris. — kast n. plaster cast; v. 1. use, put a plaster to cover a wound or something; 2. apply a plaster cast to someone



n. extension, postponement of the agreed deadline, esp. of payment; v. give an extension or postponement. Giplasúhan lang kug usa ka búlan paghátag sa bugay, I was given a month’s extension to give the bride price.



a. 1. flat, not having depressions or elevations on it. Plát ug dughang bayhána, A flat-chested woman; 2. completely without money, penniless. Plát kaáyu ku run, I am completely broke; 3. flat tire; 3a. tire without enough air. Bumbáhi pa kay plát pa, Put more air in it because it still is flat; 4. flat-heeled shoes; 5. be knocked flat. Naigù sa ákung liphuk, dà plát lagi, I hit him with my left hook and he was knocked out flat; v. 1. get to be flat. Maplát ang bisiklíta ug sakyan ug tambuk, The bicycle tires will get pressed down flat if a fat person rides on it. 2. get a flat tire. Naplátan mi, maung nadúgay mi, We had a flat tire, and so we were delayed; 3. wear flat shoes, slippers; 4. refuse someone flatly. Giplát ku níya dáyun nga wà kuy ispiransa, She told me flatly that I had no hope. — syus n. flat-heeled shoes. — tayir n. flat tire. — tap crew cut; v. get a crew cut.

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