n. phlegm.
see primíru.
n. airplane; v. take, bring in an airplane. Magplín ku paingun sa Manílà, I’ll take a plane to Manila.
n. cloth that is unfigured, untwilled.
n. unofficial player in a game or gambling, participating as filler so that there is a full contingent of the required number of players. His scores are not counted and he cannot take part in betting. Daghan untà kug puntus apan walà ikwinta kay plirayid ra man ku, I got lots of points, but they were not counted because I just filled in; v. fill in to make a full contingent.
a. for a woman to be flirting or coquettish; v. flirt with someone
v. in ball games, played with a net, place the ball in a certain spot in the opponent’s side. Iplísing sa wala ang búla ug náa siya sa tuu, Place the ball in the left side if he is on the right side. a hitting in a place that is difficult to return the ball from.
n. placemat for putting under dishes; v. use placemats.
see pilígis.
n. 1. fare. Pilay plíti ngadtus Manílà? How much is the fare to Manila? 1a. fare money. Díay ímung plíti, Here’s the money for your fare; 2. rental; v. 1. rent. Muplíti ra kug libru kay wà kuy ipalit, I’ll just rent my books because I don’t have enough money to buy them; 2. pay the rent, fare. Siyay nagplíti nákù, He paid my fare.
n. passage
n. fee
see pilitína.
n. vehicle plate number. walay — palm toddy which is artificially made (slang). Way plitnambir ning tubáa, magkalíbang ta íni, This is an artificial palm toddy. We’ll get diarrhea from it; v. issue a plate number to a vehicle.
see pilígis.
n. a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage used in former times; v. ride in this sort of carriage.
n. flu; v. be sick with flu. Plúhun gánì ka, pahúlay dáyun, Go immediately to bed if you get the flu.
see pulúhu.
n. 1. ornamental feathers; 2. fountain, or dip pen, quill; 3. the graphite in pencils; v. 1. adorn something with feathers. Giplumáhan ang mga kálù sa mga sundálung bitiránu, The veterans adorned their hats with feathers; 2. use, write with a fountain pen or dip pen. Magplúma ta inigsulat sa átung tím, We’ll use a dip pen for writing our themes.
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