a. tending to loaf on the job, playing hooky. Gamay kag ági kay langkaw ka sa trabáhu, You haven’t accomplished much because you’ve been loafing on the job; v. loaf on the job, play hooky. Dì ka makapasar ug sígi kang langkaw, You won’t pass if you keep playing hooky. Langkáwi ang ímung pagdáru kay minúsan ku ang ímung swildu, Loaf on the job while you’re plowing and I will take it off your pay. -an(→) a. always loafing or playing hooky.
coconut palms
n. 1. dried coconut palm frond; 2. old maid (humorous); v. become an old maid.
see díwit.
a. for teeth to be crooked. Makadisgwápa sa babáyi ang mga ngípung langkì, Crooked teeth mar a woman’s beauty; v. for a tooth to become crooked. Maáyung pagahilútun ang ngípung magkalangkì, It’s good to massage into place a tooth that is growing in crooked.
n. kind of black pigment shaped into rectangular sticks used for shoe blacking, drawing, and by the Chinese for writing; v. blacken something with this material.
v. join two pieces of material together by sewing, welding, and the like at the edges. Langkítun ta ang duha ka hábul arun ta makatulda, We’ll sew the edges of the two blankets together so we can have a tent. Ilangkit ang usa ka playwud ngari, Join a piece of plywood to this place; 2. add an affix in grammar. ig-l- n. affix.
(from kíya) v. for airplanes or kites to wobble, dart from side to side in losing altitude. Mulangkíya ang talabánug kun mabugtù ang tugut, The kite will wobble from side to side and continue losing altitude when the string snaps.
n. spadefish: Scatophagus argus.
v. 1. combine several things, ideas, quantities into a group at the same time. Akuy mulangkub ug dala áning duha ka bugkus, I will take these two bundles at one time. Kining duha ka súma nagkalangkub (gilangkub), The two sums have been put together; 1a. include, comprehend. Ang lungsud naglangkub ug lima ka baryu, The municipality includes five barrios; 1b. be included in a group, identified with. Pagkadátù níya nalangkub siya sa alta susyidad, After he got rich he was identified with high society; 2. make something a complete whole. Langkúbi (langkúba) ang kúwang sa báyad, Complete the amount lacking in the payment; 2a. fix one’s decision, decide to do something with no wavering. Naglangkub ku sa ákung hunàhúnà sa paglikay sa sugal, I am determined to avoid gambling. -in- n. things that are taken together, done collectively. Linangkub nga sisiyun, A joint session.
n. cutlass fish: Trichiurus spp; a. tall and thin (like the cutlass fish).
v. 1. walk or travel around without any particular purpose. Mulangkuy sila inigpangítag bulad sa tabuan, They walk about in the market when they look for dried fish. Ilangkuy ang masakitun sa wiltsir sa plása, Take the wheelchair patient for a walk in the park; 2. be, become an idler. Malangkuy (mulangkuy) siya kun dúnay kwarta, He becomes lazy when he has money; 3. have sexual intercourse with (slang). Naglangkuy ang magtiáyun súd sa kwartu, The couple are making love inside the room; a. idler, lazy; n. sexual intercourse (slang). langkuylangkuy v. 1. see langkuy; 2. dawdle about instead of working. Sukad sa ákung pagsulud ug trabáhu dinhi wà ku makalangkuylangkuy, Since I started working here I haven’t dawdled around on the job.
n. cave
see lampus.
a. having a fishy smell or the taste of blood. Bahung langsa ang mga pasahírag isdà, Fish vendors have a fishy smell. Ang mulmul langsa nga isdà, The parrot fish has an intense fishy taste. Langsag báhù ang babáying girigla, Women smell of fish when they menstruate; v. be smelly from fish or blood.
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