n. car, automobile; v. 1. ride in a car, use as a car. Kutsíhun pa giyud nà nga kaduul ra niánà? Do you need to go there by car when it is so near? 2. get an automobile.
n. knife
n. table or kitchen knife; v. 1. use a kitchen knife. Kutsilyúha (kutsilyúhi) ang litsun, Cut up the roast pig; 2. supply with a table knife. paN- v. use a knife. Ang mga Amirikánu nga magkaun mangutsilyu giyud, When the Americans eat, they are sure to use knives. huwis di- n. massacre.
see kutsínu (female).
see pútu kutsinta. see pútu.
a. be the one in a group that fails to do something Kutsínu ang way kwarta, dì kauban, Whoever doesn’t have any money will be left out. He cannot come along; v. fail to do something that others in a group get to do. Makutsínu ang maulahig mata, dì na kapamahaw, Whoever wakes up late will be left out. He won’t have any breakfast. Nakutsínu siya kay wà makatápus sa pagtuun, She wound up the only one who didn’t finish her studies.
a. dirty in one’s habits. Kutsínung bataána, nagkupaykúpay sa íyang linúgaw, That child has dirty habits. He plays with his porridge; v. be, become uncleanly or dirty in one’s habits. Gikutsináhan ku nímu dà, dúgay kang mag-ílis, I think you’re a slob because you rarely change your clothes.
a. unthinking about small but important details. Kutsínu ning mutsatsáha kay nagbáli ang kutsára ug tinidur, What a careless maid. Her mind must be in the clouds because she put the tablespoons and forks on the table backwards; v. doing things without thinking. Nagkakutsínu siya nga síging naghunàhúnà ug piknik, He doesn’t think about what he is doing because his mind is on the picnic.
n. rig, coach driver; v. be a rig driver. Kinsa may nagkutsíru sa ímung tartanilya? Who is the driver of the rig you were riding on? paN- v. be a rig driver by occupation. Wà may láing pangítà, mangutsíru na lang siya, He has no other job, so he just drives a rig; n. the occupation of rig driving.
n. small snap fasteners on clothing; v. attach snap fastener on something paN- v. fasten one’s snaps. Milakaw siya nga wà makapangutsítis sa kílid, She went out without snapping up her sides.
n. 1. crop, harvest. Ikaduha kining kutsitsa námù karung tuíga, This is our second harvest this year; 2. amount harvested. Gamay ra tung kutsitsa, It was a small harvest; v. 1. have (so-and-so) many crops. Mukutsitsa kamig katulu sa usa ka túig, We can have as many as three harvests a year; 2. raise, plant a certain crop. Gustu ka bang mukutsitsa ug kurikit karung timpúha? How would you like to raise kurikit rice this season?
n. kind of women’s slipper, made of thick soles and solid cloth or leather end; v. wear this sort of slipper.
v. make a lot of fuss, ado about something Nagkutsukutsu siya kay gamay ra ang íyang báhin, He is making a fuss because he only got a small share; n. fuss.
n. cushion; v. use, have, be provided with a cushion, make into cushions, use as cushions. di- having cushions. Dikutsun giyud ang ílang mga lingkuránan, Their seats are all upholstered or have cushions.
a. fast in doing something or getting something done. Kútù siyang mulálag banig, She weaves mats quickly; v. do something rapidly. Makútù (mukútù) ang dágan ánang rilúha ug yawíhan, That watch runs fast when you wind it. Ug ímung kutúun (ikútù) pagsulti, dì ku makasabut nímu, When you talk rapidly, I can’t make out anything you say.
n. creak or cracking sound; v. creaking or cracking noise. Mikútù ang salug nga kawáyan sa ákung pagtunub, The bamboo floor creaked as I stepped on it. Mikútù ang sanga, dáyung kabálì, The branch made a cracking sound and then broke. kutùkutù v. make a crackling noise. Mukutùkutù ang sitsarun inig-úsap, Fried pork rinds make a crackling noise when you chew them.
n. head louse; v. be infested with head lice. Kutúun ka giyud ug dì ka malígù, You will get infested with lice if you don’t bathe. hiN- v. delouse the head. Hingut-i (hingutúhi) ang bátà kay síging paniksik, Delouse the child because she keeps scratching her head. hingut-ánay v. pick each other’s lice. kutuhun, kutuun 1. infested with lice; 2. for a woman to have the karapáta, a kind of louse spread by sexual contact. Ayawg paduul ánang bayhána kay kutuun nà, Don’t get near that woman. She is full of lice in the genitals; v. become a woman of this sort.
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