a. somewhat mentally retarded or not able to think. Dílì makatumung sugúun ang táwung kurungkuntung, A person who is somewhat retarded cannot do errands properly; v. lose one’s common sense, ability to think reasonably. Nakurungkuntung siya pagkabangkarúta sa íyang nigusyu, After he went bankrupt he began to act unreasonably—as if his mind were s.w. else.
n. colonel in the military or police; v. be, become a colonel.
n. woman’s hair style in which the curled hair is formed like a crown around the head.
a. stupid, not knowing what to say. Kuruntung tawhána. Ug pangutan-un, dílì mutubag, He’s a stupid man. If you ask him a question, he won’t answer.
see kurapsiyun.
n. 1. chorus, refrain of a song; 2. chorus, a song rendition by a group; v. 1. sing as a chorus; 2. answer in chorus.
n. 1. cross, crucifix. Way kurus nga lubung, A grave without a cross; 2. trouble, problem that tries one’s virtue. Ang pagkabisyúsu sa íyang bána mauy kurus nga íyang giantus, Her husband with his vices is a cross she has to bear. — pa cross my heart and hope to die. Kurus pa, mangasáwa lagi ku nímu, Cross my heart, I’ll marry you; v. 1. make the sign of the cross on something Kurusi ang ímung ngábil ug makalimut ka sa ímung isulti, Make the sign of the cross on your lips if you forget what you were going to say; 1a. make a cross mark. Ngánung ímu mang gikurusan ring ákung tubag nga hustu man? Why did you mark my answer with a cross when it is correct? 2. become someone’s cross in life. Ang íyang bána nga himabayi mauy nakakurus (nakapakurus) sa íyang kinabúhì, Her philandering husband was the cross she had to bear in life; 3. cross something, bring something across, cross each other’s way. Mikurus siya pagdalì sa karsáda, She quickly crossed the street. Tápus sa dúgayng panahun nagkúrus pag-usab ang ílang mga dálan, After many years their paths crossed each other’s again. Kurusa (kurusi) nang plása padúng sa simbahan, Cross that plaza on your way to the church. (←) v. be in a position crossing each other. Magkúrus ta paghigdà arun dílì ku hitakdan sa ímung kútu, Let’s lie crosswise so I won’t get your lice. kuruskurus v. make criss-cross marks or lines on something n. 1. criss-cross lines; 2. kind of grass of waste places, with four or five short spikes, eaten by water buffalo: Dactyloctenium aegyptium; 3. brittle star, kind of sea creature similar to a starfish but with long flexible tentacles that easily break off. kuruskúrus v. travel or negotiate a distance back and forth several times. Kuruskurúsan ni nákung kadalánan pagpangítà nímu, I’ll go back and forth over those streets looking for you. paN- v. make the sign of the cross. Nangurus siya pagkílat, She quickly crossed herself when the lightning flashed. -an n. 1. person having crossed lines on the palm. Maáyu kag kapaláran kay kurusan ang ímung pálad, You’ll have good luck in life because you have a cross on your palm; 2. the spot at the center of the forehead between the eyebrows in line with the nose; 3. place one crosses; 4. hammerhead shark. kina-an n. 1. the center of the forehead. Pagbantay nga dílì ka maigù sa kinakurusan, Beware that you don’t get hit at the center of your forehead; 2. center point of a junction of two streets.
v. pinch, squeeze hard using the thumb and the sides of the bent forefingers. Dúnay nagkúrut sa ímung buktun kay nangalágum man, someone must have squeezed your arms because they’re bluish.
a call uttered by becalmed sailors to bring on the southwest wind (habágat).
v. shiver with cold. Nangúruy siya sa katugnaw, He was shivering with cold.
n. current
n. 1. electric current; 2. electric wire. Ang tabánug nasángit sa kuryinti, The kite is entangled in the electric wire; v. 1. shocked with electricity. Kuryintihan kag hikápun nà nímu, You’ll get a shock if you touch that; 2. give a feeling similar to a shock when the soft area within the elbow joint is hit; 3. for someone not invited to be taken along to a party by someone who was invited (humorous). Nitambung sad sila sa parti kay nakuryintihan tu sila, They attended the party as well because they were taken along by one of the invited guests; 4. among children, for a child to do to the person nearest him, what someone did to him, and for the person who had that happen to him to go ahead and do it to another child, and so forth. Nanghapak siya, dì gikuryintihan sab dáyun nákù ang ákung tupad, He slapped me, and so I slapped my seatmate. di- electrified, operated by electricity. -syan n. electrician (humorous slang).
a. queer, strange. Kuryúsu kaáyu nang buwáka kay mangalimyun lag tungang gabíi, That is a very strange flower because it only blooms at midnight. Midiyu kuryúsu ang kinaíya sa mga langyaw, Foreigners seem to have queer ways; v. become queer, odd. Ang pagkaláin sa íyang úlu mauy nakakuryúsu (nakapakuryúsu) sa íyang linihukan, A mental disturbance made him behave strangely.
n. kind of arum, the roots of which are edible. It is violet and when boiled it gets an even tenderness without becoming soggy.
n. kind of spider conch.
see kulus.
n. 1. jerked meat, esp. beef, preserved with spices and dried under the sun; 2. something someone used in bathing hung over the line to dry (so called because of the way it grows stiff on the line like jerked meat); v. jerk meat, esp. beef.
v. swish the liquid around. Kusáwa ang anyil sa túbig, Swish the indigo around in the water.
a. fast in doing something Kusay kaáyu kang mugamà ug kálù, You are very fast in making hats. Kusay ang úras basta náay kalingawan, Time goes by fast if you’re busy; v. accomplish something rapidly; be, become fast in doing something Ayaw kusaya (ikusay) ang ímung pagkáun kay hituk-an ka, Don’t eat so fast or you’ll choke.
1. in a mess, disorder. Kusbat kaáyu ang ímung buhuk kay wà nímu bubhúig brilyantin, Your hair is a mess because you didn’t put any brilliantine in it. 2. having a nasty expression on the face; v. 1. tear something apart with the hands or teeth. Mga irù ang mikusbat sa baskit, The dogs tore the basket apart; 2. get in disarray, disordered; cause something to become messy. Kinsay nagkusbat íning butang sa lamísang mu rag giagiag bagyu? Who made this mess on the table? It looks as though a tempest had passed over it. Nagkusbat (gikusbátan) ang íyang nawung sa lápuk, His face was a mess with all the mud; 3. for the face to get a nasty expression on it. Mikusbat ang íyang nawung pagkáun sa aslum, Her face screwed up when she ate the sour stuff.
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