n. harpoon; v. 1. catch with, make into a harpoon. Isíhun ku ang sánga, I’ll harpoon the manta ray.
n. letter S.
take it easy. Ísi lang bay, ayg kasukù, Take it easy. Don’t get angry. isiísi v. take things or people for granted, lightly. À, mag-isiísi man lang nga muiskuyla. Wà mang gániy nutbuk, He goes to school without even a notebook. He’s taking his schooling for granted. Isiisíhun (iisiísi) lang ang mga linibulibug pildi sa búlang sa mga sugarul nga tahur, Big time gamblers don’t mind losing by the thousands in the cockpit.
n. an easy return to the server.
see ási.
v. adjust
v. 1. rush someone into doing something Dì siya gustung magpatúlì apan giisig-isig siya sa mga biaybíay, He didn’t want to get circumcised, but he was goaded on by the taunts of his playmates; 2. order someone about and put him down at the same time. ‘Unsay kalibútan mu ánà. Tumána lang ákung súgù,’ nag-isig-isig ang inaína, ‘What do you know about that? Just do what you’re told,’ said the stepmother in her high-handed way; 3. treat cruelly. Giisig-isig sa inaína ang mga bátà, The stepmother treated the children cruelly. isig-isigun, maisig-isigun a. tending to rush or push around, characterized by doing so.
v. fit
see isig-isig.
v. play hard to get when one intends to agree. Ayaw isiisíhi nang nangulitawu nímu kay makabuhì, Don’t play hard to get. He might just slip away.
n. scene in a play, motion picture.
v. avoid the company of someone from whom one feels one can get nothing, discard a friend or relative whom one finds no longer useful. Íla na lang ku nga ising-isingun (iising-ising) kay wà na man kuy kapuslánan, They’ll avoid me now, for I’m no longer of any use to them.
conj. as
conj. considered as
n. number
v. 1. count something Isípa ang suklì kun hustu ba, Count your change to see it’s correct; 1a. count and remember favors one does for someone Isípun pa giyud níya hasta ang dunut nga sinínang gihátag, He remembers his favors, even the ragged shirt he gave me. 1b. consider, treat something or someone as something Giísip ku siyang anak, I treat him like a son; n. 1. in the role, function of. Mutábang giyud ku sa ákung ginikánan ísip usa ka anak, I have to help my parents as a good son. Muhawuk aku sa kamut ni Lúlu ísip usa ka pagtáhud, I kiss my grandpa’s hands as a sign of respect. Nangáyù siyag kinhasun ísip íyang sud-an, He asked for shells as food; 2. — (number) number (so-and-so). Misúd siya sa lawak ísip katursi, He entered room number 14. -an a. one who compares his favors done with those he received to see if anyone got advantage over him; v. get to be a sort who counts and weighs favors. ka-an n. mind, seat of consciousness, intellect. Daghan kaáyung mga hitabù nga misámuk sa íyang kaisípan, Many events are troubling his mind. ma- a. 1. wise, learned. Tulu ka maísip nga hárì, Three wise kings; 2. prudent, thinking before acting; v. be, become wise, prudent. Magmaísip ka na untà karung dakù ka na, I hope you will be prudent in your ways now that you are old enough. -l-an n. mind. Itisuk sa inyung ilisípan ang gitudlù kaninyu, Bear in mind what you have been taught. paN- n. sense, way of thinking. May pangísip ka na man, You’re old enough to have common sense. Ang íyang pangísip bátà pa bisag dakù na siyag idad, He has a child’s mentality even though he is chronologically old.
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