a. having a stomach that sticks out very much. Irad ang kasagáran sa mabdus, Most pregnant women have a stomach that sticks forward; v. getting a stomach that sticks out.
v. lean back on. Kanúnay nátung makítà ang Miksikánu nga mag-irag sa punúan sa káhuy, We always see Mexicans leaning back asleep on a tree.
n. delicacy made of finely grated cassava or sweet potatoes with coconut juice and sugar, wrapped in banana leaves, shaped into sticks, and cooked in steam; v. make iráid.
v. germinate seeds before planting them in their permanent place. Irása (iiras) usà nang mga lísu únà luyúnga, Germinate the seeds first, then transplant them. -an(→) n. seedbed used for germination. -in- n. seedlings grown from small seeds.
see hirbubuyna.
n. kind of atomizer operated by compressed air and used for spraying paint; v. paint with an airbrush.
see hirbubuyna.
see arbularyu.
a. 1. for a woman to be pretentious in actions, putting on airs and showing contempt for ordinary people. Irgat kaáyu nang bayhána, dì giyud musul-ub ug sapátus nga baratuhun, That woman is haughty. She won’t wear cheap shoes at all; 2. forward and immodest in behavior toward men. Irgat kaáyu nang bayhána. Magduuldúul ug láki, That girl is forward. She makes advances to men; v. be, become haughty or immodest in behavior.
therefore, as a consequence we may conclude that. Miingun ka wà ka mulakaw. Irgu, dihà ra ka sa balay, You said you did not leave. Therefore, you were in the house.
v. argue, debate heatedly. Makig-irgu ka man sa tindíra nga ímu man tung sayup, Why do you argue with the sales clerk when it was your fault? n. heated argument.
n. ergot, kind of drug to make the muscles contract.
n. kind of medicine to prevent hemorrhage after childbirth.
n. letter R.
n. air-raid shelter. — syiltir see írid; v. 1. build an air-raid shelter; 2. put in an air-raid shelter. pa- v. go to, put in an air-raid shelter.
v. inherit property. Kinsay muiridar (mangiridar) sa yútà ug wà muy anak? Who will inherit the land if you have no children? iridíra see iridíru (female). iridíru n. heir; v. be, become an heir.
v. 1. administer a vaginal douche to oneself or someone else; 2. irrigate the sinuses. irigasiyun n. irrigation.
a. 1. uneven in occurrence or succession. Irigular ang íyang rigla, Her menstruation is irregular; 2. irregular in school, not taking the usual prescribed subjects. Irigular ku nga tird yir kay dúna pa man kuy bálik sa sikan yir, I’m an irregular third year student because I have to repeat a course in the second year; v. 1. be, become irregular. Ug iirigular (irigularun) nímu ang instulmin, lagmit maimbargu, If you are not regular in paying your installments, it might be repossessed; 2. be, become an irregular student.
see irinsiya.
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