n. hot cakes; v. make, have hot cakes.
a. 1. sticky. Ang latik hagkut, Syrup is sticky. Hagkut ang ákung kamut, My hands are all sticky; 2. agreeing to something with reluctance. Dì ku sigúru adtung íyang sáad kay hagkut tu siyag tinubagan, I can’t rely on his promise, because he answered with some reluctance; 3. for the air to be humid and cool; v. 1. be, make sticky. Mihagkut na ang gwába dyíli, The guava jelly has gotten sticky; 2. be, make reluctant.
n. kind of wild yam having long edible tubers and thorny vines.
n. large blue-spotted fish similar to the grouper: Plectropomus spp.
see sagmun.
see hasagmuyù. see sagmuyù.
a. uneasy feeling of coldness and emptiness in one’s stomach. Paimna kug ínit kay hagnaw kaáyu ning ákung tiyan sa pagkawalay káun, Let me take something hot because my stomach is cold and empty from not having eaten anything; v. get this feeling. Maung dílì ku ganáhan magswing kay muhagnaw (maghagnaw) lagi nang ákung tiyan iniglabyug gíkan sa táas, That’s why I don’t like to play on the swing because I get a queasy feeling in the stomach when I swing high.
n. kind of edible, tiny, reddish fish.
adj. haggard
v. for tall and pliant things to fall flat on their base, cause them to do so. Bagyu ang naghagpà (nagpahagpà) sa humay, A typhoon flattened the rice plants. Mihagpà ang mais nga gilanápan, The corn was flooded and knocked flat.
v. slam with a loud bang. Kinsa tung naghagpak sa sira? Nangítà tug áway? Who slammed the door? Is he looking for a fight? Muhagpak ang sira ug hampákun sa hángin, The door slams when the wind blows it.
v. 1. pick out something from a larger group. Usa ra ang nahagpatan sa mga nagdimunstrít nga kastigúhun, They singled out one of the demonstrators for punishment. Hagpáta ang mga dikulur nga mga sinínà, Separate out the colored dresses; 2. remove, separate something useless from the good. Ákù nang gihagpátan ang isdà sa mga bukug, I have removed the bones from the fish; 3. count ballots; 4. pick out things from the past to remember and reminisce over (literary). Gitagsatagsa níya paghagpat ang mga hitabù, He recalled the various events, one at a time, as they happened; n. counting of votes. Daghang maniubra sa katapusang hagpat sa balúta, There was lots of chicanery in the final tally of the ballots. -íru n. person in charge of classifying abaca fibers into different grades; v. be, become a classifier of abaca fibers.
v. slap someone fairly hard on the shoulders. Ayaw kug hagpíka kay dúnay pasù ákung abága, Don’t slap me on the shoulders because I’ve got a sunburn.
v. for a line or rope to break under tension. Mihagpù ang pasul paglugnut sa dakung subad nga isdà, The fishing line broke when the big fish struggled to get free.
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