v. chop something long into pieces. Gutúa ang tubu, Chop the sugar cane into small pieces. (→) n. a piece cut off of something long.
n. kind of salt-water fish with a silvery hue with a tinge of yellow at the sides and somewhat bluish green back, having a pointed homocercal tail fin and with an even snout, growing to 10″.
see gutlub.
(from lagutub) v. make a low throbbing, booming sound from the distance. Naggutubgutub ang makina sa púsu sa layù, The water pump was chugging away in the distance; n. low, throbbing, chugging sound. Gutubgutub sa kasingkásing, Throbbing of the heart.
see gutlubgutlub.
a. filled to the point that it is tight. Gutuk na ang ákung tiyan, My stomach is filled to bursting; v. become tight from being too full. Migutuk ang súsu sa bag-ung nanganak, The breasts of the new mother became turgid. Gutkun (igutuk) pagsulud ang humay, Fill the rice sacks so full that they are tight. gutukgutuk v. have hardened portions in it. Naggutukgutuk ang ságing kay gitabagnul, The bananas have hard spots because they got infected with fruit rust.
v. make a popping noise such as that emitted by food being boiled when the water is nearly gone. Naggutukgutuk na ang linung-ag. Hápit na muhubas, The rice is popping. The water is just about gone.
n. 1. hunger. Namatay siya sa gútum, He died of hunger; 2. famine. Gútum karun búsà pagdagínut, We’re having a famine, so cut down consumption; a. be intensely hungry. Tána kay gútum kaáyu, Let’s go, I’m starving. patay — so poor as not to have any food. Patay gútum na mi. Wà na diyuy malung-ag, We’re dead broke. We haven’t got a thing for dinner; v. 1. be hungry. Gigútum ka na? Are you hungry yet? 2. have severe hunger pangs, be over-hungered. (→) v. see gútum, v; a. hungry. Mikáun siya sáma sa táwung gutum, He ate like a starved man. ka-(→) see gútum, n. kagutmánan n. famine. gulutman, gutmánun a. easily getting hungry. la-(→) see lagutum.
v. walk some distance. Maggútus na lang ta kay wà man giyuy sakyanan, We have to walk because there’s no transportation.
v. 1. for a small portion to be sticking out from behind or beneath something Migútut na ang bátà, tawga ang midwayip, The baby is coming out. Call the midwife. Iniglanguy igútut lag diyútay ang úlu sa túbig, In swimming raise your head just a little above the water; 2. show up at an appointed meeting or affair. Way Husi nga migútut sa parti, No Jose showed up at the party.
n. 1. lower portion of a mature bamboo stem which is thick, strong, and durable; 2. piece of bamboo from that portion. paN- v. gather thick bamboo stems. guúrun a. thick and short. Guúrun ug tudlù, Having thick, stubby fingers; v. become thick and stubby.
n. fat on the back of a cow at the hump or, by analogy, fat on the nape of a person’s neck; v. develop fat at the lower portion of the nape. Ang tangkúgù níyang nangguuk, His neck with a big bulge of fat at the nape.
a. provoking sorrow and worry; v. be worried and sad. Ngánung dílì siya maguul nga himamáyi man ang bána, Why shouldn’t she be sad when her husband runs after women. Ang ákung gikagul-an (gikaguul) nga wà siya mananghid, What I am upset about is that he left without permission. ka- n. a sad, worried feeling. Mihílak sa túmang kaguul, She burst into tears in her deep sadness. kagul-ánan n. deep sorrows combined with worry. Mga kagul-ánan sa kinabúhì, The sorrows one counters in life. magul-ánun a. worried and sad. maka-r- a. very saddening.
v. 1. force someone’s mouth shut. Igúum (guúma) ang bàbà arun dì siya kasyágit, Shut his mouth tight so he can’t shout; 2. repress feelings. Igúum (guúmun) na lang nákù ang ákung kahiubus, I’ll just swallow my feelings of hurt pride.
v. withhold something or prevent someone from doing something Dílì aku makaguun basta makakitag pagkáung lamían, I cannot restrain myself if I see good food. Gigun-an sa Sintral Bangk ang ímung aplikasyun, The Central Bank sat on your application.
a. 1. tight, fitted tight. Guut ang kálù nákù, The hat is too small for me. 2. tight, stuffed. Guut ákung ilung, My nose is stuffed up; v. 1. become tight. Miguut ang singsing nákù, The ring got to be too small for me. 2. get tight and stuffy. Nagguut ang ákung dughan sa kaguul, My chest tightened with a feeling of sorrow.
see gúla.
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