v. 1. experience a certain feeling for the first time. Gustu kung mudimdim sa katam-is sa ímung ngábil, I would like to taste the sweetness of your lips; 2. taste a liquid. Dimdími ring tubà, Take a taste of this toddy.
n. demerit in military training; v. 1. give demerits. Mudimírit ang kumandanti ug walay tupi ang kadíti, The commandant gives demerits to cadets who need a haircut; 2. get a demerit.
n. resignation from a position. Ang dimisiyun sa mga mimbru sa gabiníti, The resignation of the cabinet members.
v. resign, quit a job. Mudimitir (magdimitir) ku pagkamaistra, I will resign from my teaching job.
n. something done by someone according to the book; methodical. Kanang íyang sinayawan dimitudu gayud, He dances by the numbers.
so, therefore. Giingnan kang dílì magsábà. Dimúdu maghílum ka, You were told not to make noise. So, keep quiet.
n. democracy.
n. democrat; a. a believer of the principles of democracy. b. a member of the former Democratic Party of the Philippines; v. be a member of the Democratic Party.
see dimukratiku (female).
a. democratic, allowing people freedom of action.
n. bad luck (slang); v. bring bad luck to someone, be unlucky.
n. in music, a change from one key to another or from a major chord to the minor chord. Lisud duyúgang kantáha daghang dimul, The accompaniment of the song is difficult, it has so many changes in chords; v. change the key or from major to minor chords in musical accompaniment. Dihà sa kúrus idimul, Change chords at the refrain of the song.
v. 1. have a little taste of something (slang). Mudimul kug gamay ánang ímung tubà, Let me have a taste of your palm toddy; 2. obtain something from someone (slang). Mudimul kung Nánay ug písus ipanini, I’m going to get one peso from Mother for the movies; 3. see dímul, 2.
v. 1. play a musical instrument with the fingers. Maáyu siya mukaskas ug mudímul usab, He strums chords well and plays notes as well; 2. swipe, steal (slang). Kinsay midímul sa ákung bulpin? Who swiped my ball point pen? Gidímul ang tanan, hasta ang karsúnis dunut, Everything was stolen, even his worn out pants.
n. 1. expression of disgust or dismay: darn! (euphemism for dimunyu). Dimungkug! Níay bisítag wà tay sud-an, Darn! We don’t have a thing to eat, and here we have visitors! 2. term of address used as a mild reprimand with affectionate overtones. Dimungkug nímu uy. Namíyà ka man lang! You little devil! You just left me at the party! v. say dimungkug to someone
n. demonstrators, participants in a public show of opinion; v. be a demonstrator.
n. 1. display of athletics or gymnastics; 2. strike, public show of opinion; 3. demonstration, display of how something is done or works; v. demonstrate, give a show of opinion. Nagdimunstrasiyun na sad sa iskuylahan. Unsa na puy gidimunstrasiyunan run? They are having a demonstration again at the school. What are they demonstrating about this time?
v. see dimunstrasiyun, v.
see dimungkug.
n. 1. demon, devil. Unsang dimunyúha ang nasulud sa ímung úlu? What sort of devil has gotten into your head? 2. person or thing regarded as evil, cruel, etc. Hubug ka na sad dimunyúha ka, You’re drunk again, you devil; 3. curse word used as an expression of extreme frustration or anger at someone Dimunyu. Ímu na sang gibálì nà, Damn you! You broke it again! v. be, become a devil in one’s looks or manners, etc.
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