Meaning of bartíha



n. 1. plank, board. Gilugkat ang usa ka bartíha sa bungbung, One plank was torn off the wall; 2. parcel, block of land. Bahínun sa tulu ka bartíha ang ílang yútà, Their land will be divided into three parcels; 3. share; v. 1. make, or cut into planks or boards; 2. put a board between two things. Bartihái ang kanal arun makalabang ang kutsi, Place some planks over the canal so the car can pass over it. 3. divide, cut up into pieces or sections. Hukum ang mubartíha (magbartíha) sa yútà nga iapud-apud sa mga anak, A judge will apportion the land that will be distributed among the children. Bartiháa ang kík sa walu ka bátà, Divide the cake among the eight children; 3a. get a share or a part of. Nakabartíha siyag duha ka gatus sa usa ka byáhi, His share in one trip was two hundred pesos.