see barútu.
creek location
n. kind of tuberous plant with arrow-shaped leaves reaching 4′ and more. Edible but itchy root, grown as ornamental and wild: Alocasia macrorrhiza.
see báyang.
n. kind of fish, a small bulgan.
see bayi.
see bayingbaying.
a. for a girl to be sexy (slang). Badyikdyik kaáyu, She’s very sexy; n. someone’s mistress; v. 1. become sexy; 2. make into one’s mistress. -an a. keeping a woman. Badyikdyíkan siya kay kwartáhan, He keeps a woman because he’s got lots of dough.
n. budget. Ang badyit sa Pilipínas mikábat nag duha ka bilyun, The budget of the Philippines has reached two billion; v. budget, allocate money. Kamau ka bang mubadyit sa ímung kítà? Do you know how to budget your income?
see kadlit.
a. for sweet potatoes to have a rotten, sour taste. Badyù ang lamì sa kamúti nga giúlud, Sweet potatoes that are infested with worms taste rotten; v. get infested with rot. Gibadyù ang tanan nílang mga kamúti, Their sweet potatoes are all infested with rot. -un a. of a rotten and sour quality.
n. prolonged humming, droning, buzzing sound; v. 1. make a droning sound. Magdalì ta kay mibadyung nang ayruplánu, Let’s hurry because the airplane has started to drone; 2. strike close to something so as to cause a whizzing sound without actually hitting it. Badyúngan ku sa ákung kúmù ang ímung nawung, I’ll make your face feel the whizzing sound of my fists.
n. 1. bag, pocketbook; 2. kitty in a mahjong game; 3. see indibág; v. have, obtain a bag. Babáying nagbág ug putì, A lady with a white bag.
word used in writing to indicate the sound of a blow.
n. molars. Mikágut ang íyang bag-ang sa labihang kalágut, He gritted his teeth in extreme anger; v. 1. hit in the molars; 2. be hit by the truth of a statement that hurts. Nabag-ang siya sa ákung sulti kay hingmatud-an, My words hit him in a vital spot because they happened to be true. -an a. 1. having molars; 2. be completely outstanding because of some possessions. Siya mauy bag-ángang dátù sa ámù, He is well-known for his wealth in our town; v. become rich, powerful.
n. 1. spotted eagle ray: Aetobatus narinari; 2. kind of red and black porgy: Lethrinius rhodopterus.
v. 1. for animal tissue to decay and dry up. Ug mabag-as, dílì na bahù, Once it has decayed and dried, it doesn’t smell; 2. for tough guys to die (slang). Nabag-as na ang matun, The tough guy kicked off.
v. be kept waiting. Nabag-aw man lang kug pinaábut nímu, You kept me waiting for a long time.
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