n. fat in a fish that develops into eggs; v. develop bagaybay. Mau rung panahúna ang bangrus mubagaybay, This is the time the milkfish develops egg fat. -un a. 1. having bagaybay. 2. big-stomached. Bagaybáyun ug tiyan ang mga táwung tambuk, Obese people have big stomachs.
n. dame
a. for a face to be too chubby to be pretty; v. be, become too chubby. Mubagdal nang ímung nawung ug manambuk ka, Your face will be too chubby if you grow stout. Ang íyang nawung namagdal sa hupung, Her face swelled with edema.
n. roaming
n. tramp
v. 1. puncture, make a small hole in. May mibagduk tingáli sa ligid kay mihiyus man, something must have punctured the tire because it is flat; 2. for something with a pointed tip to pierce and stick into something, cause it to do so. Ang tumuy sa kutsilyu nga nahúlug mibagduk sa yútà, The knife fell and the tip stuck into the ground; n. 1. puncture; 2. something pierced into something.
n. kind of medium-sized grouper.
a. having offensive, rude manners; v. get to be crude, offensive. Nagkabaghas siya sukad muintrag ínum, He has become cruder since he took to drinking.
see hashas, 1.
a. tough, hard in feelings, character. Ang íyang pahíyum mudani bísan kinsa nga baghud ug balatían, Her smile wins over the hardest of hearts.
v. 1. prompt someone to think ill about something Kinsay nibaghut sa átung ámu nga ipabalhin ku? Who talked against me to have prompted the boss to transfer me? 2. rant loudly in anger or complaint. Pangutána únà unsay hinungdan. Dílì kay mubaghut ka lang dihà dáyun, Find out what the matter is before you go ranting and raving right away; n. something said to someone against someone else to influence him.
v. talk foolishly, rant often with no one present. Nagbagìbì si Maríya kay walà pa gihápun ang íyang bána, Mary is ranting because her husband still isn’t home. -an(→) n. given to ranting and raving; v. become a ranter.
v. work out with a punching bag. Bagíngun ta ning ímung pansing bag, I’ll have a workout on your punching bag.
a. 1. be completely careless of all rules of decorum, esp. proper dress. Bágis kaáyu siya kay magtiniil lang ug musimba, He is a hippy because he goes to church barefooted; 2. be grossly misbehaved in general; 3. be a tough, ruffian; v. get to be grossly misbehaved. -in- v. 1. appear unkempt. Bisan ug makabinágis ka ug kausa itsapuyráhun ka, If you appear unkempt just once you will get kicked out; 2. act as if one doesn’t care what others say. Ug aku diay binagísan níya, hilatiguhan giyud, If he misbehaves toward me, I’ll give him a beating.
see badlis.
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