v. bunch, fold, curl up in an irregular way, cause something to do so. Ang úlud nga gihíkap mibalikutkut, The worm curled up when someone touched it. Ayaw balikutkúta ang písì. Ibalibud ug káhuy, Don’t just bunch up the rope. Wind it around a stick; a. folded up in an irregular way. Dì ku mupalit niánang balikutkut nga sín, I won’t buy that wrinkled galvanized iron sheet.
n. candy made of the hardened syrup obtained from coconut milk and sugar; v. make balikutsa.
a. lacking in grace, balance, euphony. Balikwaut pamináwun ang litiral kaáyung pagkahúbad, A literal translation lacks euphony; v. be awkward. Mibalikwaut (nabalikwaut) ang linaktan sa dalágang gitihulan sa kalakin-an, The girl walked awkwardly when the boys whistled at her. Balikwautun ku pagtágik unyà han-áyag maáyu, I’ll compose it in a rough way, then rearrange it well.
see bakwit.
n. wolf herring: Chirocentrus dorab.
n. general name for grasses that do not grow tall. — tsína kind of purple ornamental grass grown popularly in hanging pots. kabalilinhan n. grassy area.
adj. grassy
v. 1. turn around, look back. Gibalilíkid (gibalilikdan) nákù ang táwung mitawag nákù, I turned back to the man who was calling me. 2. look back to one’s past or people behind, below in rank. Ug masapían ka na, dílì ka na mubalilikid sa ímung gigikánan, When you become rich, you won’t turn back to where you came from.
n. lawn
n. meadow
see balingbing.
n. kind of bivalve.
n. fish
n. large fish net operated by several people; v. 1. catch fish with a large net. Makúhà ang bansíkul ug balíngun, Mackerel can be caught with a net; 2. catch in a police dragnet. Sa katapúsan nabalingan ra gayud ang tulisan, At last the robbers were caught in the dragnet; 3. trap, capture by stratagem. Ang ímung sinultihan mauy makabáling (makapabáling) kanímu, Your speech will entrap you; 3a. for two parties to make a secret agreement in gambling in order to bilk a third player. Dakù ang ákung pildi kay nabáling man ku, I lost heavily because they duped me. 4. capture one’s attention, affections. Nagkabáling ang ílang tinan-awan, Their eyes met. Balíngun níya ang ímung pagtagad, He will capture your attention. Wà níya ibáling ang íyang pagtagad ngadtu sa uban, He did not turn his affections to the others. (→) n. see báling. paN- v. fish with nets; n. fishing with nets. hiN-, maN-r-(→) a. one who likes to ensnare people. Dalì rang ikítà ug áway, himáling (mamamaling) tuhù, She looks for trouble. She likes to ensnare people; n. 1. fish caught with nets; 2. something captured by stratagem.
n. net
a. careless, inattentive to what one is about. Balingag ka man gud, mu nang nakalimtan nímu ang malíta, You’re careless. That’s why you forgot the suitcase; v. 1. be careless and forget something; 2. mistake someone for someone else. Nabalingag ku nímu kang Husi, maung gisampit ta ka, I mistook you for José. That’s why I called you.
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