n. hanging
v. 1. hang something up suspended, be hanging. Kinsay nagbítay sa parul? Who hung the lantern up? Ang ímung ranggu nagbitay sa usa ka lugas lánut, Your rank is hanging by a single thread (i.e. you are in imminent danger of demotion). Bitáya (ibítay) sa bintánà ang bandíra, Hang the flag in the window; 2. execute. Bitáya (ibítay) siya sa silya iliktrika, Execute him in the electric chair; 3. 3a. be beneath the other cock when fighting on the wing. Nabíhag ang ákung manuk kay nabítay man paglupad, My cock was defeated because it was beneath its opponent when they fought on the wing; 3b. be far behind in a game or contest; 4. perform the bítay ceremony in the súgat (see bítay, n3); n. 1. death by hanging or execution; 2. distance one is behind in a contest; 3. the lifting of the alilúya in the súgat ceremony. (→) a. tending to droop. Bitay siya ug ngábil, She has drooping lips; v. become drooping. Wà na siya ganáhi. Nagbitay na lang, He didn’t feel like it any more. It (the penis) just drooped. bitaybítay n. the hanging part of dangling earrings. -an(→) n. place of execution. maN-r- n. executioner. paN- n. 1. the lower wattles of a chicken; 2. hanging decorations in a window. tingbitay sa irù, iring n. the month of July when food is scarce (and they hang dogs up to butcher them), or the period just before payday. -únun, -un n. condemned person. kulum- see kulumbítay.
n. scaffold
v. carry or hold something in the hand. Bitbíta ang baskit, Carry the basket.
n. 1. snapping, popping sound; 2. popcorn; 3. white speck on the iris; v. 1. make a rather soft, snapping sound. Mibitì ang íyang tiil pagkabálì, His foot snapped when it broke; 2. make popcorn; 3. get a speck on the eyeball. Gibit-an ang ákung mata, My eyes got a white speck on them.
n. calf
see batíis.
n. trap
n. trick
v. 1. catch with a noose or lasso. Bitika (bitka, bikta) nang irù, Catch that dog with a lasso; 2. become entangled or caught in. Nabitik ákung tiil sa bágun, My feet got entangled in the vine; 3. trap a person into saying something Maáyu nang abugadúha mamitik ug bakákung saksi, That lawyer is good in tripping up lying witnesses; 4. become a victim of someone’s clever manipulation. Nabitik ku sa matam-is níyang sáad, I was entrapped by his sweet promises. — sa hunsuy v. do something else rather than engage in something useless. Magbitik na lang ku sa hunsuy ug magnigusyu kug alkansi, I’ll do better to trap my pipe than go into business and lose. — sa utut v. do something impossible (humorous). Bitkun kung ákung utut ug kadama ka níya, I’ll eat my hat (lit. trap my fart) if you can make it with her; n. any flexible device for trapping animals that snaps shut tightly when stepped on or jiggled.
v. give a hint as to what one is about to do. Wà man ka magbitikbitik (mamitikbitik) námung magminyù ka, You never gave us a hint that you were getting married.
n. snake
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