v. sprinkle water on something Bisibísi ang lub-angun, Water the seedlings. paN- v. for it to sprinkle. Ígù lang namisíbis ang ulan, It just sprinkled.
n. bicycle
n. bicycle; v. 1. ride a bicycle. Dì ku mubisiklíta ug gubà, I won’t ride a broken bicycle. Magbisiklíta ku padúlung sa syúdad, I will ride a bicycle to the city. Dì makabisiklíta ang bakul, The cripple cannot ride a bicycle. Bisiklitáha lang ang Talísay, Take a bicycle to Talisay. Lisud ning agianánang bisiklitáhan, This path is difficult to ride a bike over; 2. take something s.w. by bicycle. Bisiklitáha (ibisiklíta) ang utanun ngadtu sa mirkádu, Take the vegetables to the market on a bicycle; 3. get a bicycle. Nakabisiklíta ku sa banggà, I won a bicycle in the contest; 4. make into a bicycle. Kanang ímung wísir bisiklitáhun na lang kay dautang makina, Make your motor-bike into a bicycle because the motor is shot; 5. exercise lying flat on the back and kicking the feet, as if riding a bicycle. — nga tuluy ligid n. tricycle. — nga binabáyi, sa babáyi n. girl’s bicycle.
n. times, instances of an event. Daghan nang bísis nga hikit-an ta kamung nagkúyug, There were many instances when I saw you going together. Duha ka bísis (dús bísis) aku níya binuángi, He fooled me twice.
n. 1. visitor, guest. Abiabíha ang átung mga bisíta, Entertain our visitors; 2. monthly menstruation (slang). Gitunghà ka na sa bisíta mu karung bulána? Has your ‘visitor’ arrived this month? v. 1. go visit someone Bisitáhi (bisitáha) siya, Visit him; 2. for the menstruation to come (slang). Gibisitáhan tingáli siya kay pungtánun, She must be on the rag because she is in a bad mood. — iglisya n. walking to the different churches in a town and praying in the evening of Maundy Thursday; v. perform the church visit.
see bisgù.
n. viscount.
n. stale bread that is toasted with a little sugar sprinkled on it; v. make a biskutsu.
n. biscuit
n. biscuit; v. make, make into biscuits.
n. 1. business. Bay-ansil ang bisnis níya karun, He is engaged in the business of buying and selling; 2. prostitute (euphemism). — manidyir n. business manager. — wúman see bisnis, 2. v. engage in prostitution. Nagbisnis na si Rus, Rose is ‘in business’ now.
n. evening or day before an event. Bispiras sa Pasku, Christmas Eve. Bispiras sa tábù, The day before market day; v. 1. be an evening or day before an event or holiday. Mibispiras (nabispiras, nagbispiras) na lang sa pista wà gihápun siya muabut, It’s already the eve of the fiesta, and he has not arrived yet; 2. do things on the eve of an event or holiday. Mabispiras sa Pasku ray íyang ipaúlì, He returns home only on Christmas Eve; 3. spend the eve of a holiday.
n. hearing or trial in court. Giabsuwiltu siya niadtung bistáha, He was acquitted in that trial; v. hear a case. Bistáhun karun ang sumbung kuntra nímu, The case against you will be heard today.
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