n. ornamental bulbous plant: Eurycles amboinensis. The leaves are applied over the bladder to facilitate urination.
v. 1. throw grains, throw grains to. Ang bukbukung mais mauy iábud sa manuk, Throw the beetle-infested corn to the chickens; 2. drop grains into a hole in planting. Mag-abud sila sa ílang baul, They will plant their field; 3. feed grain into a mill. Ímu síging abdan (abúran) ang galingan, Keep feeding grains into the mill; 4. supply a factory with raw materials. Kanang kumpaniyáha mauy tig-abud sa mga papil sa imprinta, That company supplies paper to the printing press; 5. feed news, gossip. Aha! Ikaw diay nag-abud sa mga nutisya, So you were the one who spread the news! n. 1. feed for fowls; 2. one’s turn to throw grains. Ákù na rung abud, It’s my turn to feed (the chickens). alabdan see abud, n 2.
n. dust; v. 1. become dusty. Muabug ang karsáda ug dúgayng uwanun, The road gets dusty if the rains come late. Giabug ang ámung balay kay dúgay na nga wà puy-i, Our house became all dusty because it hadn’t been lived in for a long time. Tabúni ang libru arun dílì maabugan, Cover the books so they won’t get dusty; 2. turn into dust. Sa kadugáyan kitang tanan maabug, In the end we will all turn to dust. ka-(←) v. get dust all over it. Nagkaábug ang ákung buhuk tungud sa byáhi, My hair is all covered with dust because I’ve just gotten off the bus. -un a. dusty. -l-an(←) exposed to dust. Kining kwartúha alabúgan. Duul man gud sa karsáda, This room is exposed to dust. It’s close to the street.
see abyug.
v. 1. chase, drive, drive away. Abúga ang bábuy ngadtu sa tangkal, Drive the pig into the pen. Abúgi sa lángaw ang lamísa, Drive the flies away from the table; 2. drive someone to do something Ang kaúlaw mauy nag-ábug kanákù pagpaháwà sa ámung lungsud, Shame drove me to move out of town. (→) n. stick with strips of paper, plastic, etc., attached on one end, used to chase flies away. -an(→) n. an enclosure of the fish corral into which the fish are driven before being caught.
n. female lawyer.
n. lawyer; v. 1. be, become a lawyer; 2. speak for someone Abugadúhan ta lang ka kay wà kay pangabla, I’ll speak for you because you don’t have the knack of saying what you want. abugaduhun a. lawyer-like. Abugaduhung pangatarúngan, Lawyer-like reasoning.
n. dumb lawyer (play on the words abugádu ‘lawyer’ and gágu ‘stupid’).
see abugádu, v 2.
n. 1. law course; 2. law profession. Sa abugasíya kinahanglan mamakak ug panalagsa, In the law profession it is necessary to lie once in a while.
see *abubhu.
fireplace; kitchen
n. kitchen
adj. gray
n. avocado or alligator pear: Persea sp. It is usually eaten with sugar and milk.
n. kind of white cockatoo, often kept as pet: Cacatua haematuropygia. (→), abúkay v. for babies to make noises like a cockatoo.
n. parrot
see abunda.
a. 1. abundant. Abunda ang bugas karun, There’s plenty of rice now; 2. have plenty. Ug abunda ka sa sápì, mamalit kag yútà, If you have lots of money, you should buy land; v. be, become abundant. Unyà ra ta mamalit ug mangga ug muabunda (maabunda) na, We will buy mangoes later when they become abundant; n. abundance.
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