see luy-aluy-a. see luy-a.
see limugmug.
n. 1. state of semiconsciousness just before falling asleep or awakening. Ang íyang gisulti búnga lang sa íyang alimúkaw, What he said was the product of his semiconsciousness; 2. action of the sort performed by fully conscious persons performed in one’s sleep. Wà ka nákù tuyúag igù. Alimúkaw lang kadtu, I didn’t mean to strike you. I did it in my sleep; v. do something in one’s sleep of the sort one normally does awake. Nanáug siya tungang gabíi. Gialimukáwan diay, He went downstairs in the middle of his sleep.
n. kind of wild dove with white ears and light brown feathers speckled with black: Phapitreron leucotis.
(from bungaw) see alimúkaw.
n. something faintly similar to something else in appearance. Alimungáwung ang hitsúra sa plurdilis sa ahítu, The zinnia is faintly like a marigold in appearance; v. 1. come to resemble faintly. Mialimungáwung (naalimungáwung) ang bátang sinagup kaníla, The adopted child came to look like them; 2. faintly discern a resemblance. Nakaalimungáwung ku nímu kay may-ungmay-ung ka sa ímung igsúun, I recognized you because you look like your brother. Hing-alimungawúngan siya sa bantay nga mauy nangáwat sa kwarta, The guard faintly recognized him as the one who stole the money.
v. warm
n. kind of fish raised in fishponds: Paraplotosus albilabris.
(from púut) a. confining, oppressive so as to make people feel uncomfortably hot. Alimúut nang naylung isul-ub, Nylon is oppressively hot to wear. Alimúut sa Magalyánis, way hángin, It’s oppressively hot downtown. There’s no wind. — ug nawung 1. sour-faced; 2. be so ugly as not to have one redeeming feature in one’s face; v. be oppressively warm. Mualimúut (maalimúut) ang kwartu ug mahápun, It gets hot (might get hot) in the room in the afternoon. Gialimuútan (gialimut-an) ka? Do you feel hot?
n. sweet smell, fragrance. Ang alimyun sa mga búlak, The fragrance of the flowers. paN- v. smell sweet, give off fragrance. Nangalimyun ang mga dalága nga nagpadúng sa bayli, The girls that were headed for the dance smelled sweet.
n. drizzle
n. drizzle; v. drizzle.
n. mist
n. shower
(from danaw) n. dragonfly.
a. hot and sticky; v. become hot and sticky. Hukásun ku ning ákung swítir kay gialindangáhan ku, I’ll take my sweater off because I feel hot and sticky.
a. slightly feverish, uneasy in the body because of a slight fever. Dì ku mutarbáhu run kay mu rag alindángay ang ákung láwas, I won’t work today because my body is somewhat feverish; v. have a slight fever, be restless. Nag-alindángay ang bátà kay gihilantan, The child is restless because he has a fever.
v. uneasy, restless in place one is lying. Nag-alindasay ang bátang taas kaáyug hilánat, The child was restless because of his high fever.
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