n. garlic
see ákù; see aku. idyaidya ahuáhù see idyaidya.
v. mix something moist or wet with something dry. Nag-áhug ang gátas ug harína, The flour and the milk are mixed together. (→) n. mixture. Gátas, harína, kámay. Hustu giyud nang ahug, Milk, flour, sugar are just the right mixture.
n. garlic. (→) v. season with garlic. Dì ba nímu ahusan ang tinúlang isdà? Are you not going to season the stewed fish with garlic? -an(→) n. garlic patch. ahus-áhus n. see awrúra. ahus-ahus n. ornamental vine with purple flowers which smells somewhat like garlic. — nga putì n. kind of ornamental bulb with white flowers.
word used in writing to represent the sound of a blow.
v. peel, rip off, usually something not flexible. Ikaw bay muak-ak sa pánit sa káhuy? Will you strip the bark off the tree? Naak-ak ang lapalapa sa ákung sapátus, The sole of my shoe came off.
v. make a cracking sound, loud creaking sound. Miakáak ang pultahan sa pag-abri námù, The door creaked (went aak) when we opened it.
see abhak.
n. academy.
a. bulging and bulky in the pocket or pocketbook; v. be bulgy. Nag-ákal ang íyang bulsa sa batu, His pocket was bulging with rocks.
n. monkey-pod tree, a large tree extensively planted as shade tree and producing excellent lumber: Samanea saman. akasyahan n. acacia tree stand.
n. rain tree
v. look after, take care of. Kinsa may muakatar sa tigúlang ug muuban ku nímu? Who will look after the old man if I go with you? Ang táwung kasámuk ray akatahan (akatahun) dì giyud muhangtud, A man that has nothing to do except look for trouble will not live long.
n. accountant; v. be an accountant.
v. 1. lean on the chest with the arms hanging over the edge. Nag-akba siya sa pasamánu samtang nagtambù sa sílung, She was leaning over the banister as she looked downstairs; 2. carry someone with his chest just below or against the shoulder. Iakba (akbaha, ipaakba) ang bátà arun manug-ab, Pick up the child with his chest facing you to burp him.
see alagbay.
v. lean on the lower arms. Nag-akbù siya sa bintánà, She’s in the window leaning on her arms. Ayaw ug akbúi nang balabag, Don’t lean on that rail. -anan n. rail over which one usually leans. Akbuánan sa kumpisyunaryu, Confessional rail.
see abhak.
see nakinnákin.
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