a. slow in action, lacking energy and thinking power. Walay mubulan nímu kay yatyat kaáyu ka, Nobody will hire you because you are unenergetic and unintelligent. Kayatyat nímu uy! Wà giyud ka makahunàhunag pilù sa ngilit arun mulig-un? You sure cannot think. It never occurred to you to turn the edge over to make it strong? Yatyat nímu à! Tu, kuyúgi diays Iyay! Boy are you slow! Eyay is just there waiting for you! v. be, become slow and unintelligent.
v. turn something over on its belly, turn over on the belly. Magyaub ang bátang matúlug, The baby sleeps on its stomach. Iyaub ang basúra, Throw out the garbage (lit. turn the can over).
(from ayaw úsà) see yúnà.
n. 1. devil; 2. devilish person. Ag yáwà, mudáyig nímu sa atubángan unyà manglibak sa luyu, The devil praises you to your face but behind your back she stabs you. exclamation (somewhat coarse): expression of anger, annoyance, frustration. Yáwà! Pukáwun ta áning maáyung pagkahinánuk! Hell! I was just sleeping nicely, too! litsing — expression of extreme irritation or frustration. Litsing yáwà. Ímu na pud nang gibálì, God damn! You broke it again! — ra 1a. expression of strong disbelief. Yáwà ra. Dì giyud nà musalir, Hell! That’s not going to work; 1b. expression of surprise at something found out. Yáwà ra! Tinúud ba nga gitirúhan ang Prisidinti? Really! You mean they shot the President? 2. in exclamations at something surprising. Yáwang nindúta ning ímung balay, Siyung! Jesus! What beautiful house you have, Siong! 3. pause word used when one cannot find the right term. Kanang yáwang, kuan, unsingálan ..., That damn, what do you call it? v. be in or caught in a bad situation. Nayáwà na ta áni nga nahutdag gasulína nga layù sa istasyunan, We are in for it running out of gas far from the station. (→) v. 1. castigate severely, get hell. Yawaun (yawaan) ka run nákù ug dílì mu pasagdan nang makinilya, You will get hell from me if you don’t let that typewriter alone; 2. be inspired by the devil. Ayaw pagdúwà ug kutsilyu kay tingálig mayawaan ka, Don’t play with the knife. The devil might inspire you (to harm someone with it). 2a. be possessed of a blinding and uncontrollable fury. Sa íyang kasukù giyawaan siya, He was possessed of a blinding, uncontrollable anger; 3. ruin, cause to flop; be ruined. Mga dúlun nga muyawà sa tanum, Locusts that utterly destroy a crop. yawàyawà v. 1. be, become a hell. Nayawàyawà ang ílang pagpuyù tungud sa pagkabisyúsu sa íyang bána, Their home life has become miserable because of the husband’s excessive indulgence in vice; 2. be made devilish. Párì ang maghingílin sa panúway sa táwu nga yawàyawaan, A priest exorcises evil spirits from a person’s body. kayawàyawà v. be somewhat spoiled. Nagkayawàyawà ang átung pangalígù kay nakalimtan ang sud-an, Our picnic was kind of spoiled because we forgot the food. yawan-un a. devilishly evil, diabolical. Yawan-un nga mga panghunàhúnà, Diabolical thoughts; v. be, become diabolical.
n. devil
see awayan. see áway.
adj. diabolic
adj. fiendish
adj. nefarious
euphemism for yáwà.
see iyáwat. — bángil tinggutum a half a loaf is better than none (lit. something to make do in times of starvation). Naminyù ang dágang gúwang ug sugarul. Yáwat bángil tinggutum, The old maid married a no-good. Well, better than nothing.
euphemism for yáwà.
euphemism for yáwà.
n. key
see yábi, n1, v.
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