n. a game for two played with a board and pieces, the object of which is to get as many pieces as possible. The board consists of two rows of five or seven holes each, each row assigned to one of the two players, and a hole at either end, each assigned as a home base (balay or balayan) of one of the players. One player picks up a given number of the pieces and distributes them on the board, one piece in each hole. At whatever hole the last piece is dropped, the player picks up all the pieces in it and continues on dropping pieces until he runs out, picks up the pieces in the hole where he ran out, and so forth until he comes to a hole with nothing in it, in which case the opponent gets the turn. Pieces are gained in three ways: (1) a stone is gained each time the home base is passed; (2) when the pieces run out in the player’s row opposite a hole in the opponent’s row with pieces in it, they go to the player (hantuk); or (3) when the throw ends in the hole immediately before the home base the pieces in that hole revert to the player (sáka, 4); v. play sungkà. -an(→) n. board for playing this game.
v. [AN; a 12] get at food by breaking open the place where it is kept. -an(→) n. an animal that steals food by forcing open the place in which it is kept.
a. exact in fit. Ang íyang bistídu sungkad kaáyu nákù, Her dress fits me perfectly; v. 1. fit, fit into; 2. make something according to certain measurements. Unsang gidak-únag ímung gisungkaran, What size box did you take the measurements from? sungkaran n. something from which something can be copied, from which the measurements can be taken.
n. growth on the body resembling ginger roots, esp. on the joints, which appear after an infection of yaws; v. get these growths.
v. patch a thatch roof. Pára mantinil, kartun lay átung isungkip sa atup, We will use cardboard as a make-shift patch for the roof.
n. pole or stick, usually with a hook at the end used to get something out of reach; v. get something out of reach with a sungkit. Sungkítun nákù ang mga prútas nga dì maabut, I’ll get the fruits that are out of reach down with a pole.
see singkuung.
n. swallow
n. can
n. rod
n. staff
v. 1. reach up to a point. Musungkù ang Krismas tri sa pisami, The Christmas tree touches the ceiling. Isungkù ang kural sa kílid sa balay, Have the fence reach the side of the house; 1a. bump one’s head against something above. Gi! Nasungkù ang ákung úlu sa sanga, Ouch! I bumped my head against the branch; 2. go to see someone for a purpose. Akuy musungkù sa mga táwu arun sila mahibalu nga may trabáhu ugmà, I will go notify the people that there will be work tomorrow. Gisungkù ku ang ákung inahan arun papuy-un dinhi sa Sugbu, I went to fetch my mother to have her live here in Cebu. — sa reaching as far as. Sungkù sa lángit ang ákung kalípay, My happiness knows no bounds (lit. reaches the heavens).
n. cane, crutch; v. 1. use a walking stick or crutch; 2. make into a cane; 3. hit with a cane.
n. great-grandchild, nephew, or niece. apu sa — see sungkud. apuhan sa — great-grandparent, granduncle, or aunt; v. have a great-grandchild. sungkuran n. great-grandparent (uncle or aunt) or great-grandchild (nephew or niece).
n. auger shells and other long stick-shaped shells.
n. kind of smooth herb coming in two varieties or species: — putì, with green leaves, and — pula with purple bottom surface: Clerodendron sp.
v. 1. tease, provoke to anger with words or actions. Dì siya musunglug nákù kay dì man ku masukù, He does not tease me because I don’t get mad; 2. for circumstances to mock one, as if teasing. Naplát pa ta, giulan pa giyud. Gisúngug giyud ta sa panahun, We had a flat and got caught in the rain. Circumstances were conspiring against us. -an(→) a. given to teasing.
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