v. 1. go to attend church services. Musimba ku ugmà, I will attend church services tomorrow; 2. adore, regard with respect and affection. Ang babáying ákung gisimba, The woman I adore; 3. know someone’s innermost thoughts. Nasimba ku na unsa ang ímung pagtan-aw kanákù, I can read your thoughts of what you think of me; n. worship service. Unsang urása ang simba? What time is the service? simbasimba n. praying mantis. simbahan n. church, church building. simbahan ni Pilátu n. female genitalia (humorous). -ku exclamation uttered upon remarking about something bad to keep it from happening to the speaker. Simbaku ikaw lang untay mabúang, dílì aku, God forbid that I go crazy, too. -ku lagung humorous exclamation: May it not happen to me! Simbaku lagung, paúlì sa namúlung, I’m rubber, you’re glue. Everything you say to me bounces back and sticks to you. (Lit. May it not happen to me, but go to the one who said it.) panimbaku v. say simbaku. ig-l- n. 1. what one wears to church; 2. special girl friend. Daghan kug trátu, apan usa ra giyuy igsilimba, I have lots of girl friends, but I have only one special one. -um-l- n. about to go to church. maN-r- n. churchgoers. silimbáhun a. worthy of adoration.
n. church
n. cathedral
n. chapel
v. adore
n. cymbal.
v. add a piece of cloth or paper to another piece to make it larger. Ákù lang simbálan ang dapit sa íluk kay kúlang ang panaptun, I’ll add a piece of cloth to the armpits because there isn’t enough cloth.
a. pubescent youngsters, esp. girls who bloom into adulthood, developing curves and stoutness; v. be strong and healthy as a result of pubescence. hiN- v. grow stout and healthy as one enters adulthood. Maghinimbu na gánì ka dì na madúgay nga madága ka na, If you grow stout and healthy, it won’t be long before you’re grown up.
see sambug.
n. symbol; v. 1. have or use as a symbol; 2. symbolize. Ang pula nagsimbulu sa pakigbísug, The red symbolizes struggle.
n. domed roof; v. construct a dome.
v. 1. smell, take a whiff; 2. be aware, get wind of. Nía tus Baldu ug makasimhut tus átung kumbira, Baldo will be here if he gets wind of the party. paN- v. smell, sniff. Dílì nà mamáak irúa. Manimhut lang nímu, That dog doesn’t bite. He will just sniff at you.
v. for any of a group to fail (usually negative). Way misimik sa ákung kandidátu. Lusut tanan, None of my candidates lost. They all won. Way misimik sa ákung antug. Púlus hárì, None of my tosses of the coin failed. They all came out heads. pa- v. allow a single failure or miss. Ádik nà siyag sini. Way pasimikun ánang salída, He is a movie addict. He won’t let a single picture go by.
n. 1. seedling, esp. for transplantation; 1a. seeds used for propagation as opposed to those used for consumption. Ayaw ni ipagaling kay similya ning lisúha, Don’t have these seeds milled because we’ll use them for planting; 2. fingerlings; 3. breed of domestic animals used for food. Maáyu ug similya ning babúya kay dagkuun, This pig is of good breed because it is the big kind; v. 1. reserve seeds for planting purposes; 2. plant seeds in a seedbed. similyahan n. seedbed. similyahun ug láwas a. for a woman to be healthy (lit. a body fit to bear children).
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