n. 1. corncob; 2. handle stuck into a frying pan with a rounded bottom (kaláhà).
v. 1. knock someone on the top of the head. Sakit ákung úlu nga napakdul sa halígi, My head hurts because I bumped it against a post; 2. stub one’s toes. Mapakdul giyud kag mulakaw ka sa ngitngit, You will stub your toes if you walk in the dark; 2a. mispronounce a word in speech due to haste in speaking or due to the difficulty of pronouncing the word.
n. 1. dried sugar cane leaves; 2. frond of a buri palm.
v. stop something short. Way nakapakgang sa íyang batásan nga laksut, No one has put a stop to his ugly ways. Gipakgang ku ang íyang pamakak, I put a stop to his lies.
(from gákut) v. tie something tightly around several things or over an opening so that nothing can budge. Pakgúti ug maáyu ang kináhuy, Tie the firewood together securely; n. something to tie around. Ang uway maáyung pakgut sa kartun, Rattan is good for tying around boxes.
v. 1. cut, slice with a sickle. Pakgútan sa manananggut ang buluk káda buntag, The toddy gatherer slices a piece off the young coconut blossom every morning; 2. strip an abaca trunk into fibers. Ayaw pakgúta kanang abaka nga butung pa ang tugdan, Don’t strip an abaca plant with a young stem; n. action of cutting.
n. Chinese woman whose feet have been bound from birth to make them tiny.
a. 1. stiff. Pakì ra ning sinináa pagkaarmirul, This shirt has been starched too stiff; 2. recently dead, stiff. Pakì na siya pag-abut nákù, He was dead when I arrived; v. 1. be stiff, cause something to become stiff. Namakì ang karni nga gisulud sa prísir, The meat in the freezer became stiff; 2. be dead.
prefix added to nouns to form adjectives meaning ‘extremely fond of (noun)’. Paki Núra giyud ning mga batan-un run, The youngsters these days are very fond of Nora Aunor. Pakiayiskrim, Very fond of ice cream.
n. 1. a bar made of bamboo or other light wood put between the upper and lower sail in two- or more-piece sails; 2. the lower sail in a two- or more-piece sail, which is rolled up when the skipper wishes to reduce the amount of wind which can hit the sail; v. 1. roll up the lower sails; 2. make or attach a páki bar or lower sail.
v. send letters by the paquebot mail service, formerly provided by the Post Office, whereby a mailbox was placed on a boat in which letters destined for the port of call or interior ports are placed.
n. package, esp. sent by mail.
(see makig- for illustrations of the tense forms of the active voice.) Derivational verb forming affix, added to almost all roots which refer to an action and also to bases with -ay, (-anay) to form verbs which mean ‘engage someone in (such-and-such) an action’. Ayaw pakigkítà níyag usab, Don’t go see him again. Dakù ang ákung tingúhà pakiglákaw níya sa plása, I am very intent on taking her for a walk in the plaza. Ayaw pakigsumbagay ug gamay, Don’t pick a fight with someone smaller than you.
n. alignment
local passive future prefix added to some bases with a prefix pakig-. (Past: gipakig-an(←). Subjunctive: pakig-i.) Pakigsabútan ku siya, I will make an agreement with him. Gipakigbungúlan ku siya, I got onto bad terms with him. Ayaw siya pakigkitái, Don’t go to see her.
n. strife
see pakig-an.
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