v. complain about grievances or what one feels. Nagmulù ang mga saup kay gagmay rag ílang mabáhin, The tenants are grumbling because they got a small share. Ayaw imulù nákù ang ímung sakit. Didtu sa duktur, Don’t tell me your complaints. Tell it to a doctor; n. complaint about what one feels. mud-ánun a. given to much complaining and grumbling.
n. pier, wharf. Nagkargadur siya sa mulyi, He is working as a stevedore at the pier; v. make into a wharf, pier.
n. spring, tightly coiled wire that rebounds; v. attach, use as a spring.
v. sharpen a thin-bladed instrument. Kinsay mumulyi niíning bulang? Who will sharpen this gaff? Mulyíhun ta ning mga habulan nga bulang, Let’s sharpen the blades of these dull gaffs. mulyihan n. kind of grindstone used to hone thin-bladed instruments.
n. mill consisting of a large stone turned by a draft animal.
n. crumb
n. morsel
n. scrap
n. little particles of cooked rice or corn that fall next to the plate when eating. ka- v. be full of morsels of rice. mumhuun a. full of morsels of rice or corn.
n. moment. Mga mumintu sa kinabúhì nga dì níya hingkalimtan, Moments in his life which he cannot forget. see also unmumintu.
a. having as much of something as one could want. Mumù sa pagpanggà ang bugtung, An only child has love lavished on him; v. get to have as much of something as one would want. Nagkamumù mi sa pagkáun sa nagkadatù mi, We were getting to have all the food we want as we got richer.
n. muumuu; v. wear, make into a muumuu.
v. bump the mouth against something Nagdugù ang ngábil sa bátà kay namùmù sa lamísa, The child’s lip is bleeding because he bumped it against the table.
see limugmug.
n. pet name for a monkey. Gipakáun níyag ságing ang múmuy, He fed the monkey a banana.
a. doing something to the best of one’s ability, with maximum effort. Munamúna giyud nákung dágan apan wà giyud kung kaapas, I ran as fast as I could but I couldn’t overtake her. Náay ákung tinígum apan munamúna sab nákung dagínut, I have saved some money, but with great sacrifice.
n. monarchy.
n. monastery, nunnery.
n. kind of bread made with more eggs and butter than ordinary bread and covered with a thin layer of beaten eggs which is baked onto it.
see baul mundu.
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