n. 1. church bell; 2. uvula; v. 1. ring the bell. Ug kampanáhan ang bunyag, dakù ang báyad, You have to pay a lot if you want them to ring the bell for the baptism; 2. install a bell. kampanakampána see kampána, n 2. -ryu n. belfry, bell tower; v. put a bell tower to a church. kampanilya n. small bell; v. ring a small bell. Kinsa guy ímung gikampanilyáhan dihà? Who are you ringing that bell at? di- having a small bell at one’s disposal. abugádu di- a high-class lawyer (lit. one who uses a bell (to summon assistants)). 2. anything high-class. Púru dikampanilya ang ákung kahúguy, I only associate with high-class people. kampaníru n. one who rings bells; v. be a bell ringer.
n. bell
n. steeple
n. ornamental shrub with large, yellow bell-shaped flowers: Thevetia peruviana.
a. dressed elaborately, esp. with jewelry; v. be elaborately dressed and adorned with jewelry.
n. campaign
n. campaign; v. campaign, talk in campaigning. Nangampanya siyag pára itúkud ug iskuyláhan, He is campaigning for money to build a schoolhouse. Kampanyáhan tikaw básin adtu kang Markus butar, I’ll talk to you. Perhaps you’ll vote for Marcos. Kampanyáhan nátù si Markus, Let’s campaign for Marcos. Sa naandan bakak lang gihápuy ikampanya, As usual, they’ll tell a lot of lies in their campaign.
a. having paint, powder, or the like unevenly applied. Kampat ang pagpintal, The paint job was uneven; v. become splotched or uneven, cause something to be so. Nawung nga nagkampat sa pulbus, Face, splotched with powder.
n. champion
n. championship(s)
v. take sides with. Dì ku makakampi sa usag usa níla kay púlus nákù sila minahal, I can’t side with either of them because they are both dear to me. Nagkakampi ang Hapun ug Aliman sa gúbat, The Japanese and Germans were on the same side during the war.
v. tuck overlapping or dangling parts of a skirt, esp. a wrap-around, into the waist. Akuy mukampi sa ikug-íkug sa ímung sáya, I’ll tuck in the train of your skirt. Kampíhun (ikampi) níya ang subrang tumuy sa patadyung iniglíkus níya niíni sa háwak, She’ll tuck in the overlap of her wrap-around when she wraps it around her waist.
n. kind of long, sharp sword, straight-bladed, with the top sloping down to form a point and having a sharp spike protruding from the top side 2 or 3″ in the back of the tip.
v. go camping, esp. scouts.
see kulampísaw.
n. champion, winner of the first place in a competition; v. be, become a champion. -atu(←) n. 1. championship: being a champion or period of time that one is a champion. Ang kampiyunátu ni Ilurdi nilungtad ug dúgay, Elorde was champion for a long time; 2. championship contest. Kampiyunátu run ang amatyur, Tonight’s amateur program will determine the champion.
n. camp
n. encampment, permanent or temporary. — santu n. cemetery; v. 1. encamp. Nagkampu ang mga trabahadur sa may karsáda, The workers encamped near the road. Ang tiilan sa búkid mauy gikampúhan sa mga kaáway, The enemies encamped at the foot of the mountain; 2. make into a camp.
see alundris.
n. camphor oil.
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