n. while
see kaladkad.
a. having scratches on the surface. Kadlas kaáyu ang pintal sa ímung awtu, The paint on your car is full of scratches; n. scratch, mark left on a surface. Dílì mailhan ang kadlas, The scratch is invisible; v. put a scratch in something, make a break on a surface. Hikadlasan ang tapalúdu sa awtu, The fender got scratched. -un a. full of scratches. -ánay see tubigtúbig. see túbig. -an(→) n. a leader of the defenders in a children’s game called tubigtúbig; v. be the leader in this game.
v. 1. strike a match, put a match to something Kadlíti ang mga kandílà, Light the candles with a match; 2. make a small incision or other motion analogous to striking a match. Akuy mukadlit sa hubag, I will make an incision in the boil. Tambálan ang mikadlit sa buayáhun, A folk doctor made an incision in the palm of the child that had the mark of the crocodile. Gikadlítan ku kuntra sa buti, I was vaccinated against smallpox; n. action of striking a match. way — don’t strike any matches, humorously said when a man is urinating on analogy of what one says when pouring gasoline. -ánan n. the side of a matchbox where matches are struck. -an n. general name for surgeon fish so called because of the powerful sharp spines situated on each side of the caudal peduncle.
n. kind of erect, branched, hairy herb, aromatic when crushed, with pink and purple flowers, sometimes cultivated. Used as hair rinse: Pogostemon cablin. — ihálas similar hairy herb of waste places, the leaves of which are used to cure boils: Waltheria americana. kadlumkadlum see kadlum ihálas.
[deictic or demonstrative pron., third person singular (he/she/it, his/her), topic or nominative case] that one (far)
adj. such
pron. that
[deictic or demonstrative pron., third person singular (he/she/it, his/her), topic or nominative case] that one (far)
short form: tu; 1. that (far from speaker and hearer). Kadtung balay sa unáhan kang Husi, That house up ahead is Joe’s. 1a. he, she (far away). Wà man gud tu makasabut sa ákung sulti, He did not get what I said; 2. that one that was past in time. Ngánu man kadtu? Why did that happen? Kadtung ákung giingun, What I said; 2a. that was the case. Dihà kadtuy higayun nga ..., It happened one time that ... 2b. he, she (referring to a person remote in time). Nagtúu ang mga tulisan nga kadtu patay na, The bandits believed that he was already dead; 3. followed by a verb: that time when. Kadtung musumbag na siya, mulikay pud ku, When he would strike me, I would also dodge; 4. the ones, those that are. Kadtung nakaapil na walay lábut áning duláa, Those who have already tried it once are not to take part this time. niadtu 1. gen.: of that. Ang tag-íya niadtung sakayána, The owner of that boat; 2. dat.: to, on that. Ihátag niadtung tawhána, Give it to that man. Niadtung adláwa migíkan siya pára sa Manílà, On that day he left for Manila; 3. formerly short for kaniadtu. adtu see niadtu. naadtu see niadtu.
see kadtu.
blood relationship
blood relative
n. kin
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z