n. 1. steady girl or boy friend; 2. prostitute one patronizes on a regular basis; v. 1. be, become sweethearts, go steady. Dúgay na nà silang naistídi, They have been going steady for a long time. Nagkaistídi ming Lurína sa úna, Lorena and I used to go steady formerly; 2. get as a sweetheart. Wà sukad aku makaistídi, I have never had a sweetheart.
expression uttered when pulling a hold up: ‘Stick ’em up!’ v. pull a stick-up. Síging giistikin ap nang tindahána, They keep holding that store up.
n. sticker; v. paste a sticker on something.
n. stiletto, a small dagger-like instrument used for making holes in cloth to be embroidered; v. use something as a stiletto.
n. steel sheets laid on soft ground for vehicles or temporary airstrips; v. surface with steel matting.
n. stalemate in chess; v. come to a stalemate in chess.
see istáyil.
n. steel wool.
v. take care, look after someone Dì kamaung muistimar sa mga bisíta, Doesn’t know how to take care of the visitors. Istimáha ang inyung katigulángan, Take care of your old folks.
v. 1. estimate, calculate. Istimaha (iistimar) kunu ang magastu, Figure out the expenses; 2. treat, consider someone as. Istimáha (iistimar) nga inyung igsúun ang mga ílu ninyung ig-ágaw, Consider your orphaned cousins your own brothers and sisters; n. estimate, rough calculation. istimasiyun n. 1. estimate. Untup-untup ang ákung istimasiyun (istimar), My estimate is almost exact; 2. the way one regards someone Taas ang ákung istimasiyun níya, I have a high regard for him.
v. estimate. Maáyu muistimit sa gibug-atun sa usa ka butang, He is good at estimating weights; n. estimate. Pilay ímung istimit sa galastúhan? How much do you estimate it will cost?
v. mark something with a stencil, reproduce something by stencil; n. 1. typed stencil, stencil from which a design or lettering is made; 2. design, lettering done by a stencil.
n. stenographer; v. be, become a stenographer.
n. word asked by a player in hopscotch asking whether he had stepped on the line. Istip, nu? Did I step on the line or not?
n. open-heeled shoes or slippers for women, with or without high heels; v. wear step-ins.
n. narrow board under the passenger bus running along the chassis on either side between the front and rear wheels, where cargo is placed.
n. 1. step in dancing. Lisud kaáyu ang istíping sa kinabag-uhang sáyaw karun, The steps for the latest dance are very complicated; 2. a violation in basketball, making steps not allowed. sayup ang — v. for someone to make a mistake in an important move. Nasayup lang ang inyung istíping ug dì mu mudúul ug pulitiku nga mangaplay ug trabáhu, It is a wrong move for you to apply for a job without a politician’s help; v. commit the violation of stepping in basketball.
v. fasten with staples. Mas maáyung ímung istipúlun (istipúlan) ang mga papil arun dì magbúwag, It’s necessary that you staple the pieces of paper together so that they won’t get separated. Lisud na ni buwágun ug ímung istipúlun (istipúlan), It will be difficult to get these apart after they have been stapled; n. 1. stapler; 2. staples.
a. sterile, incapable of procreation; v. be, become sterile.
v. sterilize, free from germs.
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