List of Cebuano words starting with the letter I - Page 71

ispíra ultima


n. a flowering plant cultivated for both ornamental and medicinal purposes: Chrysanthemum sinense.



see asparagus.



see ispíra ultima.



n. 1. medium in a séance; 2. one who believes in spiritualism; v. become a spiritualist.



n. 1. spirit, human soul. — malignu soul, in folk belief, that roams over the face of the earth doing penance. — santu n. Holy Ghost; 2. spirit, volatile substances. — dilimun lemon oil. ispirituhánun a. spiritual. Ang pangaláwat usa ka ispirituhánung bangkíti, Communion is a spiritual feast.



n. 1. paraffin; 2. paraffin candles; v. rub paraffin on the floor. Ispirmáhi nà arun musínaw, Rub floor wax on the floor so that it shines.



a. 1. special, particularly good. Lutúan níyag sud-an nga ispisiyal ang íyang bisíta, She will fix special food for her guests; 2. especial, out of the ordinary; v. 1. be, become special, particularly good; 2. do something special, out of the ordinary. Ispisyalun (iispisiyal) ta kag tawag, I’ll mention your name especially, apart from the others; 2a. do a particular dance at a ball where only certain people are invited to dance. Mag-ispisiyal run ug bayli, pára sa mga upisyális, The next number is a special number for the officers only. — dilibiri n. special delivery; v. send something special delivery.



a. 1. for liquids to be thick, of great density. Ispísu kaáyung sikwáti kay gidaghan níyag tablíya, The chocolate drink is thick because he put lots of chocolate on it. 2. for colors to be intense as if thickly laid on. Ispísu kaáyu ang kaitum sa balhíbu sa ákung iring, My cat’s hair is a deep black; 3. — nga (noun) a diehard, fanatic follower or believer of. Ispísu giyud nang Katuliku, He is a devout Catholic. Ispísung Usminyista, Diehard follower of Osmeña. 4. in phrases: — ug apdu brave (lit. having thick bile). — ug dugù a. having guts. b. heartless, merciless. — ug hambug laying bragging on thick; v. for liquids to become thick, cause them to do so. Muispísu (maispísu) ang sabaw ug butangag úbi, The soup will become thick if you add yams.



n. specialist, esp. a doctor. Ang buta nagpahiling sa usa ka ispisyalista sa mata, The blind man consulted an eye specialist; v. 1. be, become a specialist; 2. specialize in a particular field of medicine.



n. 1. spy, secret agent; 2. one who spies on others; v. 1. spy, spy on someone Giispiyáhan na ku sa ákung asáwa, kay nagdúda, My wife is spying on me because she has suspicions; 2. be, become a spy.



v. 1. explain; 2. state one’s purpose, esp. proposing marriage. Wà ku kaisplikar níya kay dihà man si Máma níya sígi, I couldn’t broach the question because her mother never left us a minute; 3. give someone a line to convince him; n. 1. explanation; 2. a line handed to someone Wà ku madá sa isplikar sa ahinti, I wasn’t taken in by the salesman’s line. isplikasiyun see isplikar, n. isplikátut n. explanation, excuse one isn’t inclined to believe (colloquial). Ay na lang ku ánang ímung isplikátut. Dì ku mutúu ánà, Don’t hand me that line again. I don’t believe it.



a. palsy-walsy, very close friends (colloquial). Napildi ku sa madyung kay isplǐt ang ákung mga kuntra, I lost in mahjong because my co-players were palsy-walsy. Makasulud ta kay isplǐt nátù ang gwardiya, We can get in because the guard is our man; v. be on palsy-walsy terms. Nagkaisplǐt sila kay paríhug balhíbu, They became palsy-walsy because they’re birds of a feather. Lisud isplitun (ikaisplǐt) nà siya, It’s difficult to get on palsy-walsy terms with him.



n. extra piece which the dealer in mahjong gets as a privilege. He starts the game by discarding a piece without drawing another.






adj. sport



v. spray. Ispríhi ang rúsas, Spray the roses. — nit hair spray; v. spray the hair.



n. Springfield rifle.



n. spokeshave, a tool for trimming and smoothing rounded surfaces; v. use a spokeshave.



1. -y, nga can you imagine that! Ispúku muy (mung) mupalit ug kadilak nga way muinstulmin, Imagine! He bought a Cadillac with no installments. Nagdawat ug kinyintus unyà mugastug sitisintus, ispúku mu nà? He receives five hundred and spends seven hundred. Can you beat that? 2. — ug imagine what would happen if. Ispúku ug tabangan kag tulu. Wà kay dalag-an, Imagine if three people were to gang up on you at once. You wouldn’t have a chance.



n. 1. sponge or sponge-like substance; 2. powder puff.

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