v. 1. install, fix something in position for use. Wà pa mi instalahig tilipunu, Our telephone hasn’t been installed yet; 2. install officers in clubs or some office not of high rank. instalasiyun n. 1. installation of officers into office; 2. military installation.
n. small private school on any level.
n. institution, an organization having a social, educational, or religious purpose.
n. instructions, directions. Sunda ang instruksiyun arun mahustu ang paggámit nímu, Follow the instructions so that you use it correctly; v. give instructions to.
n. 1. instrument; 2. instrument, means for bringing something about. Akuy gihímù nílang instrumintu sa paghangyù sa mayur, They used me as a means for approaching the mayor; 3. musical instrument.
v. 1. buy something on installments, pay installments. Instulun (instulmínun) ngánì nímu, mas dakù kag mabáyad kay sa kás, If you buy it on installments you are going to pay more than if you had paid cash. Pilay ímung iinstul run? How big of an installment are you going to pay this time? 2. see instalar. -min, -mint n. installment paid; v. buy something on installments.
n. insult
v. insult; n. insult.
n. kind of sweet, soft bread rolled into a spiral and covered with butter and powdered sugar; v. make insumáda.
n. insomnia.
n. insurgent against the Spanish government; v. be, become an insurgent. -s see insuriktu (plural).
v. 1. get sick from taking a bath after sexual intercourse; 2. for a wound to get infected from bathing. Giinsúyan ang ákung samad, My wound got infected.
n. stage; v. build a stage.
a. afraid of someone for his superiority. Intap kaáyu ang mga buguy níya kay ísug siya, The thugs are very much afraid of him because he is fierce; v. fear someone for his superiority. Gikaintápan nang ílang tím dinhi. Wà nay manúkul, Their team is most feared here. No one dares compete with them.
short form: táwun; 1. particle expressing or asking for pity; 1a. in statements. Daghan táwun ang namatay didtu, A lot of people died in that place. Mu man nà táwuy ákung panginabúhì, That’s what we live from, poor us. 1b. with imperatives: please, have mercy. Iúlì intáwun nà sa labing madalì, Please return that at the earliest possible time; 2. expressing humility: I don’t necessarily deserve something good. Nahinumdum táwun siya nákù, He remembers me (though I am not important enough to be remembered). Nakadaug táwun ku, I won just by luck; 2a. with statement praising oneself, expressing humility. Kamau táwun ku ánà uy, I know how to do that. (I don’t think I’m great guns, but I do know how to do it.) 2b. with statements that a catastrophe hasn’t happened: through the mercy of the Lord. Wà táwun mi hitabuig iltur, We haven’t been hit by El Tor, thank God; 3. with a sharp denial, taking the sting out of the denial. ‘Anak nu ka sa gawas ni Pidru.’—‘Dílì, tawun uy,’ ‘They say you’re Pedro’s illegitimate son.’—‘Good heavens, no! (Have mercy, don’t think of that.)’ paN- v. say intáwun. Nagpangintawun siya nga nanghulam nákù ug kwarta, He kept on saying ‘poor me’ as he was borrowing the money.
n. interval
n. interest
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