see iksahirádu (female).
a. 1. over-demanding of oneself or others. Iksahirádu siyang nagpatiwas sa íyang báy, He demanded too much from the people who were finishing up work on his house; 2. doing something to too great an extent. Iksahirádu siya sa íyang pamisti, He overdresses. Iksahirádu siya nga mugámit sa mantíkà, He uses much too much cooking oil; v. overdo something.
a. 1. correct. Pulus iksaktu ang tubag níya, His answers were all correct; 2. be the right size, amount. Iksaktu giyud nákù ning sapátus, These shoes are just right for me. Iksaktu giyud ang pagkalútù sa isdà, The fish was cooked just the right amount of time; 3. just at (such-and-such a time). Iksaktung alas utsu ang súgud sa prugráma, The program starts exactly at eight o’clock. Iksaktu na run ipaúlì, Now is just the time to go home; v. 1. be correct; 2. be just the right size, amount, degree; 3. be exactly on time.
see iksámin, n, v1.
n. exams in school; v. 1. give, take an exam. Kanang maistráha mauy muiksámin námù, That teacher is going to test us. Muiksámin ku ugmà, I’m going to have an exam tomorrow; 2. give a physical examination. Iksamínun sa duktur ang ímung kasingkásing, The doctor will examine your heart.
n. 1. eligible for the civil service by having passed the exams; 2. a woman who has acquired through experience without formal training a knowledge of assisting in childbirth, and is allowed to practice her trade after having passed some practical tests; v. be, become a midwife of this sort; a. being very familiar with something Iksaminádu aku niíning dalána, I am very familiar with this street.
n. examiner.
n. examination; v. take an examination.
n. example; v. take as an example. Miiksampul siya ni Risal nga usa sa mga bantúgang bayáni, He cited Rizal as an example of a great hero. Kastigúhun tikaw kay iksampúlun (iiksampul) tikaw, I’m going to punish you to make an example of you.
n. 1. exhibition; 2. display; 3. certain hand in mahjong which one gets at the first deal and which is exhibited for extra payment; v. 1. exhibit something in public; 2. show off one’s skill. Mitindug siya sa mutur nag-iksibisiyun kunúhay, nabanggà lagi, He was showing off driving his motorcycle while standing on it, so he crashed.
n. exhibit; v. exhibit, show something or display.
v. 1. force or oblige one to do something Iksihirun ka giyud pagpaámut, You will be forced to contribute to it. 2. inquire, investigate to get complete information about something Dì ka mag-iksihir sa kinabúhì sa uban, Do not pry into other people’s lives. Iksihia ug unsa giyuy nahitabù, Find out what really happened; 2a. be solicitous about someone, care for. Dílì kaáyu siya muiksihir niánang mga batáa kay ábi dílì man íyang anak, She doesn’t concern herself about those children because they aren’t hers anyway. iksihídu a. solicitous about someone’s needs and well-being. Iksihídu siyang pagkamaistra, mu rag tinúud inahan sa mga bátà, She is a solicitous teacher as if her pupils were her own children; v. become solicitous about someone’s well-being.
a. excellent, perfectly done. Iksilinting pagkahímù íning lamisáha, This table was excellently made; v. get a mark of excellent in school.
n. excelsior, long fine wood shavings used as stuffing or as packing material.
n. eczema.
n. exempted from some obligation; v. exempt, be exempted. Iksimtid ku sa píi, I’m exempted from Physical Ed.
n. 1. bodily exercise; 2. exercise in school; v. engage in physical exercise.
n. exit; v. exit, pass to an exit. -an n. see iksit.
see iks.
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