n. 1. grains. Mas pínu ang gránu sa asúkar kay sa kámay, Refined sugar has finer grains than brown sugar; 2. texture of a surface. Ang pánit sa Hapun pínug gránu, Japanese have fine-textured skin; 3. grain, texture of wood; 4. — maldítu inflamed pimple, usually on the face. Gihilantan siya kay nahubag ang gránu maldítu sa íyang nawung, She got a fever because the pimple on her face got infected.
n. graft for a plant; v. put a graft on a plant.
n. graft, wealth obtained dishonestly through political connections. — ug (an) kurapsiyun Graft and corruption; v. take graft.
n. graph; v. make a graph. Grapa (igrap) ang lakaw sa íyang hilánat, Make a graph of the course of his fever.
see garápa.
see garapinyíra.
n. spring operated phonograph.
n. grease
n. grease; v. 1. grease something Gigrasáhan níya ang bíring sa ligid, He lubricated the wheel bearings; 2. get grease on it. Higrasahan (nagkagrása) hinúun ang ákung púlu, My shirt got grease on it (got grease all over it). grasáhun a. greasy, oily.
n. 1. grace or blessing, usually from God. Grasya sa Diyus nabúhì ku, Thank God, I survived; 2. a person’s trait or act which causes joy or satisfaction to someone else; v. receive the grace of God. Gigrasyahan siya sa Diyus maung nabúhì, God showed His grace on him and he lived. pa- v. give others joy or satisfaction in dealing with them. Íyang gipagrasyahan ang usa ka sapían pinaági sa pagsirbi ug maáyu niíni, He worked his way into the good graces of a wealthy man by serving him well.
n. grace
n. female working student in an exclusive girls’ school; v. be a grasyáda.
1. expression of profound and humble thanks. Grasyas, sinyur, sa ímung panábang, Thank you, master, for your help; 2. expression uttered when one belches. Grasyas, nabusug ku, Thanks be to God. I’m full. paN- v. give profound thanks. Manggrasyas ta sa Diyus sa íyang kadagáyà kanátù, Let us give thanks to God for the blessings He has bestowed on us.
adj. graceful
a. graceful (female); n. kind of soft white bread with a rather flat taste; v. be graceful.
a. graceful (male); n. the clown or fool in plays; v. 1. be graceful; 2. be the clown in a play.
a. free, gratis; v. be given away free. Igrátis (gratísun) níla ang sampul, They are giving the samples away free.
n. gratis
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