v. 1. maltreat, treat cruelly. Gidagmálan níya ang íyang asáwa, He maltreated his wife; 2. cause suffering. Dakung gútum ang midagmal sa mga mag-uúma, A great famine tortured the farmers; n. maltreatment. -an(→), ma-un a. cruel.
v. throw something anywhere in a disorderly way. Sila ang mudagmuk sa basúra ngadtu sa baybáyun, They dumped the garbage on the seashore. Ayaw idagmuk sa karsáda ang mga káhuy, Don’t just dump the wood on the street; n. garbage.
n. nickname
n. nickname; v. give a nickname. Gidagnáyan kug Inday ni Máma, Mother nicknamed me ‘Inday’.
n. needle
v. inject
v. 1. slap hard enough to make a noise. Dagpáka siya kay nagdahan, Give him a spanking because he is getting to be too naughty; 2. cover a hole in any sort of material by laying something over it and attaching it. Kinsay nagdagpak sa kisì sa ákung karsúnis? Who patched up the tear in my pants? Playwud ang idagpak sa buhù sa bungbung, Patch the hole in the wall with plywood; 3. join two flat pieces together by making two of their edges overlap. Nagdagpak ku sa duha ka hábul, I joined two blankets together; 4. — sa pamilya marry into a family. Nadagpak siya sa mga pamilyang way nahut, She married into a family poor as church mice; n. 1. ranking; 2. see dagpǎk. (→) n. 1. piece used in covering up a hole; 2. — sa pamilya one who has become part of a family by virtue of marrying into it.
v. plug, caulk. Ang bátà mauy midagpal ug lápuk sa grípu, The child was the one who plugged the mud into the faucet. Ang panday nagdagpal ug simintu sa mga likì sa paril, The carpenter patched the cracks of the wall with cement.
v. slap with the palm of the hand. Íyang gidagpal ang bukubuku sa kabáyù, He slapped the back of the horse.
n. flap
v. swat something to remove something from it; n. broom made out of coconut midribs. — sa abug duster made of chicken feathers; n. 1. something used to brush something away; a. broom made of coconut midribs. b. feather duster. c. fly swatter; 2. action of swatting to remove something Wà mapapha ang húgaw sa usa ka dagpas, He didn’t get rid of the dirt with one swat.
(from dapì) v. 1. slap with the palm of the hand. May kamut nga midagpì (nanagpì) sa ákung áping, A hand slapped my cheek; 2. whip with woman’s hair to relieve the skin disease called ugáhip. Ang ugáhip maáyu kun dagpían sa buhuk, The kind of sores called ugáhip get better if you whip them with hair; 3. see dagpak 2., 3.; n. 1. slap; 2. a kind of sorcery whereby a sorcerer inflicts harm by tapping the victim. The victim counteracts the sorcery by tapping the sorcerer back; 3. application for skin diseases consisting of herbs cooked in banana leaves over live coals. The cause of the disease is thought to appear in the compress after it has been applied. — timù a. small in size or quantity (humorous). Matawag ba gud tu nímug píging nga dagpì timù ra man ang pagkáun? Could you call that a banquet when only a small amount of food was served? -in- n. kind of pancake made from ground starch. maN-r- n. sorcerers who practice the sorcery called dagpì.
n. tap
n. derelict
v. wash to the shore. Midagsà ang dakung isdà, The big fish drifted ashore. Didtu siya idagsà, He was washed ashore in that place; n. 1. something washed ashore s.w. 2. one who happens to be in a place. Namána siyag usa ka dagsà, She married a person who happened to be in that place by chance. -um-l- see dagsà, n 2. -um- n. name of wind that hits Cebu from the Northeast.
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