v. 1. bring something into contact with something else. Nagdapat sa yútà, Touching the ground. Dapátun ta ang duha ta ka kamut, Let’s let our hands touch each other. Idápat ang ímung tiil sa sanga, Let your feet touch the branch; 2. administer medicine. Nahikatúlug siya human kadapátig tambal, He fell asleep after the medicine had been administered to him; 3. lay hands on one, hit. Anad giyud nà siyang mudápat sa íyang asáwa, He is used to hitting his wife; 4. use in building something Dì ku mudápat ug lawáan sa salug, I won’t use lauan wood for the floor. Ang balay gidapátan ug kawáyan, The house was built of bamboo; 5. money spent on. Unsay ímung gidapátan sa ímung kwarta? What have you done with your money? a suitable, fitting (used by speakers influenced by Tagalog). Dì dápat kanang kulúra nímu, That is not a good color for you. Dílì nà dápat pagabuhátun, You shouldn’t do that. walay — useless, inapplicable. Way dápat nang kahúya kay gabuk, That wood is useless because it’s rotten. (→) n. material used to make something, usually a house. Lig-un ug dapat kining baláya, This house is made of strong materials; a. flat-footed; v. become flat-footed. ig-r-(→) see dapat, n.
a. 1. boastful, egotistic; 2. prone to tattling and gossiping; v. be boastful, egotistic. Madápaw man ka lagi ug iatubang ug dága, You become boastful when you are with a young lady.
n. 1. hair on plants that causes itchiness; 2. rash resulting from contact with plants that have itchy hair; v. be affected with dápaw. dapawdapaw n. kind of sea urchin with fine, whitish needles. -un a. covered with itchy hair-like growths.
see dapal, v 1.
n. kind of small tree of the seashore, widely planted as an ornamental for its numerous bright red flowers: Erythrina variegata.
n. measles
v. slap with the open palm or something flat. Bantay kay hidapian unyà ka, Watch out, or you’ll get slapped. Kining rulíra ákung idapì sa ímung samput, I’ll spank you with this ruler. dapìdapì n. top part of the buttocks.
n. rump
v. take sides in a quarrel. Midápig kami kaníya kay hustu siya, We took sides with him because he is right. Walà akuy gidapígan, I am not taking sides with anyone. ka-, -um-r-(→), um-l-(→) n. political supporter.
v. loose one’s footing, slip off its footing. Midapigas (nadapigas) ang íyang tiil sa ang-ang, His foot slipped off the step. Nadapigas ang tiil sa lamísa sa bangil, The leg of the table slipped off the edge.
v. slide straight downward. Nadapílus ang bátà sa íyang kamut, The child slid out of his hands. Nagdapílus siya sa túbu, He slid down the pole.
n. location(s)
n. place(s)
n. site
n. spot
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