n. successive blows. Nalúnud ang barku gumíkan sa dabudábu sa kaáway, The battleship sunk from the enemy bombardment; v. 1. bombard, rain blows upon. Dabudabúha (dabudabúhi) siyag pátid, Bombard him with kicks; 2. for the chest to throb. Nagdabudábu ang íyang dughan sa kakulbà, His breast throbbed in fear.
v. 1. make a fire. Pagdábuk dihà kay magdigámu ta, Make a fire because we’re going to fix dinner; 2. fumigate an area. Dabúkan ta ang mangga arun mudaghan ang búnga, Let’s subject the mango tree to smoke so that there will be lots of fruit. (→) n. 1. fire in an open place; 2. place where an open fire is built. Duul ra sa balay ang dabuk (dabukan), They built the fire too close to the house. -an(→) see dabuk, 2.
v. crush by pounding. Dabúka ang mani pára sa kaykay, Pound the peanuts for the cookies. (→) n. crushed to fine bits, crumbled. Dabuk sa pán, Bread crumbs.
n. double bed; v. use a double bed.
a. 1. young, immature. Malímut pa siya sa kamatáyun sa íyang inahan kay dabung pa ang íyang kaisípan, He will forget his mother’s death because his mind is still young; 2. unripe fruits and vegetables. Dabung mangga, Green mangoes; 3. metal tempered in such a way that it is too soft. Daling nagíbang ang sundang kay dabung pagkapanday, The machete knicks easily because it has not been tempered long enough; n. bamboo shoots; v. cook something with bamboo shoots.
n. bring
bring me
n. bring
title for a father; v. call someone ‘Daddy’.
n. stretch
n. rain cloud; v. 1. cloud over. Mudag-um (manag-um) na gánì ang lángit, If the sky clouds over. Gidag-úman ang lángit, The sky was covered with clouds; 2. make someone feel gloomy. Midag-um dihà sa íyang kahiladman ang dakung kasákit, A great pain made him feel gloomy; 3. — ang lángit v. be on the verge of tears. Hunúnga na ang inyung sulugsúlug sa dalága kay midag-um na ang lángit, Stop teasing the poor girl because she’s on the verge of tears.
n. dagger. punta — see dága.
see dalága.
see ilagà.
n. 1. heat, warmth given off, usually by something solid. Ang dagáang sa ílang duha ka láwas, The warmth given off by their two bodies. Ang dagáang sa nasúnug nga balay, The heat from the burning house; 2. warmth of emotion. Ang dagáang sa ílang pagbátì, The warmth of their love; v. 1. become warm. Midagáang na ba ang plantsa? Is the iron hot yet? 2. shimmer in the heat. -in- n. see dagáang.
n. 1. disease of tobacco where the leaf turns rough and stiff and gets white spots all over it. 2. kind of skin ailment characterized by rough and discolored spots; v. 1. for tobacco to get this disease; 2. for skin to get this ailment. -un(→) a. of a diseased sort.
n. noise made by the stomach when the digestive system is disturbed; v. for the stomach to make a rumbling sound.
n. stalk that is left after grain or sugar has been harvested.
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