n. kind of dark brown and brittle starfish with narrow rays.
n. 1. piece of metal or precious stone used to ornament a surface, usually a comb; 2. sole of footgear. Pánit ang bakbak sa íyang sapátus, His shoes have leather soles; v. 1. inlay with precious metal, stones. Sudlayng binakbákan ug sinúbung, A comb plated with gold; 2. put soles on footgear.
n. abaca hemp made from the outer stalks of the abaca.
n. frog, toad.
n. path of hardened dirt; v. harden from being trod upon. Nabakbak ang tugkaran sa ímung pagbinalikbálik, The yard got all trampled down the way you kept going back and forth through it.
see balakbak.
n. wailing
n. 1. background, past experience, origin. Sutáa únang íyang bakgráwun únà sugta, Verify his background first before you accept his proposal. Wà kaáyu siyay bakgráwun. Dì siya makaapas sa liksiyun, He doesn’t have a very good background. He cannot catch on to the lesson; 2. background of painting or picture; 3. one who is staying out of the limelight; 4. one who assists in a performance in a lesser role. Mas maáyung mukanta ang bakgráwun kay sa istar, The background sings better than the star; 5. attendant on a public performer, manager of a sportsman. Gitunúlan ang buksiadur ug tualya sa íyang bakgráwun, The manager gave the boxer a towel; 6. one who supports another in a fight, provides fire cover for another; v. be the background in performing, attending a public performer, support someone in a fight. Bakgrawnan ta kag mukanta ka, I’ll accompany you if you sing. Bakgrawni aku inigtabuk nákù, Cover me when I cross over to the other side of the street. pa- v. stay out of the limelight. Pabakráwun lang siya kay maúlaw siya níla, He will just stay in the background because he is shy.
v. cut something off with a motion in the direction of the agent, usually with a sickle. Dì ka makabakgut sa búlig sa ságing, You cannot cut the bunch of bananas down. Bakgutan (bakgutun) ku nang líug sa irù, I will slit that dog’s neck; n. stroke, action of cutting.
v. for something tied to get undone. Mabakhad ang higut ug dì nímu ayúhun ug bángan, The string will get undone if you don’t tie it tight.
n. kind of dish made of blanched greens or raw meat or fish garnished with onions, tomatoes, and vinegar; v. make bakhaw. -in- see bakhaw.
n. mangrove tree: Rhizophora spp.
v. sob. Gibakhúan ku níya sa íyang mga kaguul, She sobbingly poured out her sorrows to me; n. sob. ma-un a. full of sobs. Sa mabakhúung tíngug, In a sobbing voice.
n. doll of cloth or plastic.
n. frog
n. frog.
n. toad
adj. spoiled
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