n. kind of fresh-water fish.
n. 1. court case; 2. trouble, argument. Unsay ímung gilahugláhug dinhi. Burúka? What are you roving around here for? You want trouble? v. 1. have, make a court case. Ayaw burukáha ang inyung disgustu, Don’t make your quarrel into a court case; 2. make a fuss about something Pára kindi, inyu pa giyung burukáhan? Are you going to make a federal case out of the candy? 3. bring out some wrong-doing. Miburúka ang bátà nga naghilabut ang mutsatsa, The child informed us that the maid had been touching our things.
n. lawsuit
n. suit
see bulukbuluk.
see burukintu (female).
a. quarrelsome, quick to take offense; v. be, become quarrelsome, troublesome.
a. 1. dull, not sharp; 2. dull, stupid; v. for an instrument to become dull; n. round-tipped, dull-bladed knife for weeding.
v. shave the hair on the head off. Burúlun (burúlan) nátù ang ímung úlu, Let’s shave your head. (→) a. bald, devoid of growth. Ang táwung burul way buhuk, A bald-headed man has no hair. Burul na ang kabukíran nga gisigíhag kaíngin, The mountains have been denuded by slash and burn agriculture.
see brunda.
a. 1. shy and introverted; 2. ignorant of the ways of the world. Tungud sa kaburung giílad siya, He was swindled because he was so ignorant; 3. stupid; v. 1. be shy. Nagburung ka lang dì ka kamaung makig-atúbang ug táwu, You’re nothing but a wallflower. You don’t know how to face people; 2. be ignorant; 3. be stupid.
see buluníyu.
a. 1. pregnant; 2. for rice to form grains in the panicle; 3. for borrowed things to have been kept too long. Burus na ang librung ímung gihuwaman, You’ve kept the book you borrowed till it got pregnant; v. 1. be, become pregnant. Patakáling anay arun muburus (maburus), Mate the sow so she will become pregnant; 1a. — sa pasálig be fooled by assurances. Daghan na ang miburus sa pasálig niánang pulitiku, Lots of people have been fooled by the promises of that politician; 2. have in one’s womb; 3. for rice to form in the panicle; 4. keep borrowed things too long.
v. 1. inflate, swell, esp. into a rounded shape. Mibúrut ang láyag sa sakayan, The sail of the boat billowed out. Pistúla nang nagburut sa íyang kílid, That is a pistol that is bulging at his side. Butangig yílu ang bun-ug arun dì makabúrut, Put ice on the bruise so it won’t swell; 2. be, become pregnant (slang). Mibúrut nang ákung asáwa, My wife is pregnant; 3. be, become rich (slang). Mubúrut kag dalig mag-ismaglir ka, You’ll soon get rich if you engage in smuggling. pa- v. 1. blow something up, make something swell; 2. flatter, inflate someone’s pride. Nagpabúrut na sad siya sa íyang kaugalíngun, He is blowing himself up again; n. balloon. burutburut n. crevalles with a pronounced curve outward on the ventral portion: Caranx gymnostethoides.
see brúwa.
n. 1. kind of purple jellyfish, hemispherical in shape, reaching 8″ in diameter; 2. general name for jellyfish.
n. 1. boss (slang). Si Máma muy bus sa ámù, Mother is the boss in our family; 2. familiar term of address; v. 1. call someone boss; 2. have a boss. Pait kaáyu ning makabus tag daugdaugan, It’s awful to have a mean boss.
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