v. win the love of someone Dì ka na ángay mangabughù sa dáang trátu sa ímu nga bána. Tutal, ikaw may nakabikturya níya, You shouldn’t be jealous of your husband’s former girl friend. Anyway, you were the one who landed him.
a. victorious.
n. hopscotch; v. play hopscotch. bikubíku see bíku.
n. sweet made of sticky rice cooked with coconut milk and sweetened, popularly eaten between meals; v. make bíku.
n. a coconut or nípà midrib. silhig nga — n. broom made of coconut or nípà midribs. (→) v. beat someone with a coconut or nípà midrib.
n. cramp in the muscles; v. 1. get a cramp. Mibíkug (namíkug, nabíkúgan) ákung bitíis, I have a cramp in my legs; 2. cause cramps.
v. move something fastened, bend something firm out of place, be moved, bent. Dì ni mabikug kay gilansang, You can’t budge it because it’s nailed. Ang íyang disisiyun dílì mubikug (mabikug), His decision cannot be changed. Bikuga siya sa íyang gilingkúran, Dislodge him from where he is sitting.
n. variety of white rice, recently introduced because of its high yield.
a. bent backwards, flat on its back, twisted askew. Tukúri nang pusti. Bikwad man, Straighten out the post. It is leaning over backwards; v. lean backwards, be bent askew; cause something to do so. Mibikwad siya arun dílì hiig-an ang íyang nawung, She ducked backwards so that her face would not be hit. Nagkabikwad ang tiil sa lamísa, The legs of the table are getting all bent out of shape.
v. cause something to fall or turn over by pulling the feet or some appendage upwards. Bikwánga lang ang batíyà arun mayabu ang túbig, Turn the basin over to spill the water out. Bikwánga ang bábuy dáyun gapúsa, Pick the pig up by the legs and bind it.
see bíking.
n. kind of tall, slender, ornamental palm with pinnate leaves, the fruit of which are similar to the Areca and may also be chewed: Heterospathe elata.
v. spread the legs apart to the sides. Ngánung mubíla ka mang maglingkud? Why do you spread your legs when you sit? bilahan n. crotch. bilabila n. name given to grasses which have tassels consisting of three or more spikes growing in at greater than 90° angles from each other (like legs spread apart), e.g. Eleusine indica.
n. ethnic group in Southern Mindanao. ka- n. Bilaan region in Southern Mindanao.
v. widen, spread out, spread something out. Ang bulad núkus mubílad kun ihúmul sa túbig, Dried squid will spread out when soaked. Nagbílad sila sa báling arun mauga, They are spreading the net to dry it. Gipamutul níya ang mga tanum arun mabílad ang agiánan, He cut the trees down to widen the path; n. width, spread. Hiktin ang bílad sa banig, The mat is narrow across; a. wide, broad. Bílad kaáyu ang ílang uma, Their farm stretches over a broad area. biladbilad see baliálà.
n. extension of a room or of a house; v. make an extension, add an extension to a room.
n. program of musical and literary numbers, usually held in the evening; v. hold such a program.
see balag-ung.
n. a variety of dwarf coconut, so short that sometimes its fruit touch the ground, with a trunk as big as the ordinary variety of tree, but with slightly bigger fruit.
v. sit squat with legs crossed. Nagbilakà siyang naglingkud daw Budha, He is squatting with legs crossed like Buddha.
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