n. wild vine with a disagreeable odor, the berries of which are edible: Passiflora foetida.
v. be attracted to go near something Ang dinagkutan nga kandílà gialúngan sa mga anunugba, The moths were attracted to the lighted candle; n. fish attracted to the light in fishing that uses lights. Mga tugnus ang mga álung nákù, The fish attracted to my light were sardines. alung-álung v. secretly keep watch on someone in hopes of getting a chance to see him. Ang laláking nangulitáwu níya pirming muawung-áwung (mangawung-áwung, mupaawung-áwung) níya sa dálan, The man who is courting her keeps waiting in the street for a chance to talk with her.
v. cast a shadow over something Ang taas káhuy nag-álung sa ákung gardin, The tall tree casts a shadow over my garden. Ang íyang panganduy alúngan sa kahadluk, His hopes are overshadowed by fear; n. place that is overshadowed. Muayun sa áwung ang kapi, Coffee plants do best in the shade.
n. jaw, mandible. -un a. having a prominent jawbone.
a. having a heavy feeling in the head from lack of sleep, hangover, blow, etc; v. for head to be heavy. Mialungaug (naalungaug, nangalungaug) ang ákung úlu sa íyang kusug nga sumbag, I got a headache after she smacked me one.
see unlan. see ulun.
v. 1. for light, sense of sight to become dim. Nag-álup man nang ímung kaláyu, Your fire is low. Nagkaálup na ang íyang panan-aw, His sight is getting dim now; 2. for sounds to dim. Sa nagkalayù siya, nagkaálup pud ang íyang tíngug, As she got further away, her voice grew fainter. (→) a. dim. Alup ang sugà, The light is dim.
see álup, 1.
see álup, 1.
(from lupi) n. kind of tidbit made from grated young corn, optionally with milk or coconut milk, wrapped in corn husks and boiled; v. make into an alupì.
see ulasíman.
v. 1. shave the head; 2. cut hair. Aluti ku, Cut my hair; 3. eat a portion of food intended for someone else. Ubang míd muawut sa litsi sa bátà, There are maids that help themselves to the baby’s milk; n. 1. shaved bald; 2. haircut. Wà kay alut, You need a haircut. pa- v. get a haircut, have someone get a haircut. Magpaalut ku, I’ll get a haircut. Paalutan ku si Pidru, I’ll have Pedro get a haircut.
n. kind of tree of second growth forest bearing small, depressed, globular yellow fruit, edible but acidic.
(not without l) — subjunctive passive verb (so-and-so) almost happened. Aluy siya hiligsi, He was almost run over.
(not without l) n. money (slang).
n. kind of large mackerel or tuna.
see ayayan. see ayay.
(not without l) n. part of the skull where the hair forms a whorl. -an a. having a whorl on the head. Gwápu si Pidru kay aluyúkan sa buna, Pedro is handsome because he has a whorl on the front of his head. kina-an(→) n. topmost or innermost part of something Ang mga Magahat túa magpuyù sa kinaaluyukan sa lasang, The Magahats live in the very center of the forest. see úyuk.
n. 1. ally; 2. employee (humorous). Alyádu siya nákù sa upisína, He’s an employee of mine in the office; v. 1. ally with, to become an ally with. Maáyung alyadúhun (alyadúhan) ang Pilipínas, It is good to make an ally of (ally oneself with) the Philippines; 2. have an employee.
see alyádu.
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