n. safety pin; v. put a safety pin in something Ímu lang alpiliran ang karsúnis kay wà nay butúnis, Just put a safety pin in the trousers because they have no buttons. paN- v. pin oneself up with a safety pin. Mangalpilir ku arun dì mahushus ang ákung sáya, I’ll use a safety pin so my skirt won’t slip down. — dinágum see dinágum. see dágum.
n. pin
see alpilir.
n. kind of children’s disease.
n. carpet
n. rug
n. rug, carpet; v. put or spread a carpet on.
n. style of haircut where the hair is short at the side, but enough is left on the top to part in the middle (the style worn by King Alfonso of Spain); v. cut the hair in the alpunsínu style.
n. prostitute (euphemism for púta); v. become, make into a prostitute.
v. 1. lift something from underneath. Alsáhun nátù ning lamísa, Let’s lift the table; 2. rise in rebellion. Mialsa ang mga Pilipínu bátuk sa Katsílà, The Filipinos rose against the Spaniards; 3. for dough to rise in baking. Ug mualsa na gánì ang minása, When the dough rises; 4. — ang kabúhì for the kabúhì to rise out of its place from fright. Gialsáhan ku sa kabúhì sa pagbutu, I had a severe case of fright when it exploded; n. 1. action of having lifted. Tulu ka alsa, kutasan na ku, If I do three lifts, I’m out of breath; 2. load that can be carried in a trip. Pila ka alsa úsà matiwas ug hákut? How many loads till it’s all delivered? — butang v. for various medicines to be applied in succession without waiting for results. -in- n. kind of haircut where the top of the head has hair and the sides cropped short. -du — ug kabúhì a. easily frightened. Alsádu ra pud nímug kabúhì, kasíkas ra tu sa dáhun, How jittery you are. It was only the rustling of leaves; v. get to be easily frightened. Naalsádu ang ákung kabúhì sukad ku makatunub ug bitin, Ever since I stepped on a snake, I have been jittery. — ug kamut quick to lift the hand in anger; v. be quick to lift the hand in anger. -myintu n. uprising, revolt. Ang alsamyintu bátuk sa Katsílà, The uprising against the Spaniards; v. rise up. Dílì ni madala ug kumpirinsiya, alsamyintúhun lang nátù ni, A conference is no good. We’ll have to revolt in this case.
n. altar
n. altar.
n. alto voice, part, or instrument; v. play or sing the alto part. Altúhi ang átung áwit, You sing the alto to our song.
v. halt. Mialtu siya pagkabatì sa mandar, He halted on hearing the command. Gialtúhan úsag kadiyut ang trabáhu karun sa mína, The work in the mine has come to a stop for the moment.
n. channel in tidal flats.
see alabíhid.
n. 1. something which has the chewing quality of soft bones: the tender part of a stem, the husk of young coconuts near the bud, bone cartilage. Nahíwì ang íyang ilung kay napislat ang alud-ud, His nose got crooked because the cartilage was squashed; 2. top half of the coconut bud which is soft and edible with a somewhat bitter taste. -un a. having the quality of alud-ud.
v. go down to get water. Mag-alug ang tagabúkid ug túbig, The mountaineers will be going down to get water.
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