v. roast over hot coals (not said of sea food). Kinsay nag-asal íni nga kagubkub man? Who roasted this pig that it is so crisp? aslunun, alaslun n. a pig of the size right for roasting. -in- n. roast pig.
n. the assembly, the lawmaking body of the Philippine Commonwealth.
n. adventure
n. wife; spouse
n. wife. — sa banig good-for-nothing wife (lit. good only in bed); v. happen to get for a wife, can marry. Nakaasawa siyag iridíra, He got an heiress for a wife. Maasáwa ku siya, I can marry her. paN- v. for men to get married. Dì ku siya pangasaw-un, I refuse to marry her. pa-, papaN- v. be married off to. Ipaasáwa (ipapangasáwa) ba gud siya nákù ánang hubug? Would I allow her to marry that drunk? maN-l- n. bridegroom-to-be. igpaN-r-(→) n. 1. something used for marriage. Ang kang Lúlit ang gugma igpapangasawa, As far as Lolet was concerned love (i.e. sex) was something reserved for marriage. Igpapangasawa ning bábuy, This pig is to be slaughtered at his wedding; 2. desirous of getting married. Igpapangasawa na kaáyu ang ákung ginháwa, I am very ready to get married. pangasaw-unun, pangalasaw-un wife-to-be.
n. oil
n. lubricating oil; v. apply lubricating oil. Asaytíhig diyútay arun dílì muígut, Apply a little lubricating oil so that it won’t squeak. — dibakalaw cod liver oil. — dikastur castor oil. — diulíbu olive oil.
adj. oily
n. asbestos; v. put asbestos sheets on something.
v. move forward to attack, face in battle. Asdángun ta ang mga Hapun, We will attack the Japanese; n. advance, attack.
a. very salty; v. become salty. Ug asin sa lawlaw iasgad, mudúgang sa lamì ug muasgad gihápun ang sabaw, If you salt the soup with fish salt, the soup will become more delicious and get salty at the same time. -in- n. salt pork.
1. expression needling a person for pretending. Ási, patulugtúlug. Bákun na dihà, Ha, pretending to sleep, are you? Get up! Ási, padilìdílì, apan gustu uruy, Ha, you pretend you don’t want any, but you do. 2. chiding a person jokingly for something one notices for the first time. Ási, bag-u ta run ug sapátus, My! I see we have new shoes today. Ási, kúyug man lagi ka, Ah, I see you are going out with him! 3. chiding a person for acting beyond his station. Ási, pasugùsúgù pa man siya nákù! Hey! Where do you get off ordering me around! asiasi v. 1. rush in to do something without thought. Dì ni maáyung asiasihung (asiasihang) trabahúa, This isn’t the sort of thing you should rush in to do without thinking; 2. presume to do something, taking a person for granted. Nag-asiasi ka lang ug kúhà sa ákung mangga sa way pupananghid nákù, You presumed to take a mango without bothering to ask my permission. Dì nà nímu maasiasing tawhána, He isn’t the sort of man you can take for granted (rush into doing anything you want him to do on the spur of the moment). 3. presume to do something one cannot do. Nag-asiasi (nagpaasiasi) ka mang mag-istrungkar íning makinilya. Na karun, iúlì, You presumed to take the typewriter apart. Now let’s see you put it back together. manggiasiasihun, maasiasihun, asiasihun a. presumptuous, taking for granted.
n. acid. Kining tambála makalínis sa asidu, This medicine can dissolve the acid; v. apply acid to something Asiduhi ang labábu, Apply acid to the wash bowl.
v. 1. pay attention to. Wà na lang asikasúhi níya ang mga biaybíay, He just paid no attention to the words of derision; 2. attend to. Wà siya mag-asikásu sa íyang pamisti, She didn’t pay attention to her appearance. Dì ku makaasikásu sa ákung papílis, I cannot attend to my papers. Asikasúha ang mga bisíta, Tend to the visitors; 3. make an issue out of something Ug mag-asikásu ka ánang diyútayng tabì, If you make an issue out of that small gossip.
n. a girl student who works for her board and lodging in a dormitory run by nuns; v. be an asiláda. Nakaiskuyla ku kay nag-asiláda man ku, I was able to study because I had a job in a dormitory.
n. asylum
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