n. an open carriage on wheels used for carrying sacred images of saints during a religious procession or a body in a funeral procession; v. put on a carriage, make a carriage for a procession.
v. shake something to see if there is anything inside or to loosen it, for something rooted to be loosened. Dúnay nagkarù sa halígi kay nagharag na, someone must have shook the post because it’s leaning to one side. Nagkarù na ang íyang ngípun ug ipaibut na, His tooth is loose and should be extracted. Karua nang kawit ug may sulud ba, Shake the toddy container to see if there is any inside.
(from arul) v. pluck feathers out, molt. Nagkarul (nangarul) ang mga balhíbu sa manuk, The chicken is molting. Gikarul níya ang balhíbu sa manuk, He plucked out the chicken’s feathers.
v. 1. clatter, make a clattering sound. Mukárul ang bakyà níya sa salug, Her wooden slippers will clatter on the floor; 2. for the teeth to chatter. Mikárul (gikárul) ákung suwang sa katugnaw, My teeth (lit. chin) chattered because of the cold; n. clatter. Dungug sa sílung ang kárul sa mga plátu, The clatter of the plates could be heard downstairs.
v. go Christmas caroling.
n. cart
n. kind of large two-wheeled cart with shafts, designed for draft animals but in urban areas pushed by people, used for transporting something heavy; v. 1. haul something in a carromata. Karumatáhan ta kag balas tulu ka biráda, I will deliver you three carromata-loads of sand; 2. go s.w. in a carromata. paN- v. earn one’s livelihood by hauling things on a carromata. karumatilya n. a small three-wheeled cart, pushed by people.
n. wagon
short form: run 1. this time now. Gikinahanglan ka karun, You are needed now. Sukad karun ayaw na pagpakítà dinhi, From now on, don’t show yourself here. sa pagka — as of this moment. Sa pagkakarun wà kuy ikabáyad nímu, For the moment, I can’t pay you yet. — dáyun right now. Lakaw karun dáyun, Go this minute. matag — ug unyà every now and then. Nahigmata siya matag karun ug unyà, He kept waking up every so often; 2. this time, immediately ahead of us. Latiguhun ta ka run, I’ll whip you in a minute. — na I’ll do it in just a minute. ‘Mangáun na ta.’—‘Karun na!’ ‘Let’s eat.’—‘OK. Just a minute.’ — pa a. just now. b. in a little while. Wà pa siya. Karun pa tu siya, He hasn’t gotten here yet. He’ll be here presently. — ka giyud you’ll get it in a minute. Karun ka lang giyud, bayhána ka, You’ll get from me, woman; 3. today. Unsa man ta run (rung adláwa)? What is it (lit. are we) today? — nga (time) this (time) we are at now. Karung simanahúna, This week. Karung adláwa, Today. Sus, ínit rung udtúha, My, how hot it is this noon; 4. -ng this coming. Kitáun ku siya karung udtu, I’ll go to see him this noon. Karung Hulyu, This coming July. Mugíkan mi karung alas dúsi, We’ll leave this coming noon (twelve o’clock). 4a. -ng bag-u recently. Gibisitáhan ku níla karung bag-u, They recently visited me. 5. the ones now as opposed to people at other times (Nominative or Dative). Ang karung mga istudiyanting nagbanhà dihà, sa ímung klási, The students that are making noise there are from your class. Karung (niárung) mga panahúna, mahal tanang palalítun, These days everything is very high. niárun, árun (Genitive, Dative). Wà ku mahibalu niárun, I don’t know this thing here. Sáma niárung panahúna, Just about like the weather we’re having here; 6. particle used to keep a narration on track: now. Karun, kadtung ákung giingung babáyi ..., Now, this woman I was telling you about ... 7. ba — particle of pause in making a calculation: let’s say. Padangtan ba rug diyis minútus, Let it boil, say, for about ten minutes. Sumā̀ sa ímung gustu. Dus písus ba run ang ihátag, maáyu na, Whatever amount you want—say, two pesos, that’s good enough. karún (from karun, 5) that’s right. Karún. Mau nang tubága ákung gustu, There. That’s the answer I want. karunkarun v. tell someone to do something in a hurry. Dílì ta makakarunkarun ug súgù níya, We cannot tell him to do something in a hurry. karunkarun dáyun this very instant. Lakaw karunkarun dáyun, Go this very instant. -ay at this very moment. Karúnay pa siya batíag kalúuy sa íyang asáwa, It’s only now that he felt pity for his wife.
a. disheveled; v. be, become disheveled, become tousled (hair). Human sa áway nagkárung íyang buhuk, After the fight her hair was all disheveled.
n. a variety of sweet potato, oblong-shaped, reddish-skinned, and with white meat. When cooked it has dry and powdery, but tasty meat.
n. 1. see káru; 2. see karumáta; 3. float, a decorated vehicle for carrying exhibits in a parade; v. 1. make, use as a karúsa; 2. carry on a karúsa; 3. go s.w. on a karúsa.
n. carrot.
v. 1. scratch hard so as to take flesh. Ayaw karúta ímung pangágud, kay magdugù, Don’t scratch deeply into your athlete’s foot because it will bleed; 2. get the last bit that remains in a container out, such that the bottom of the container is scraped. Karúta ang dukut kay wà nay kan-un, Scrape out the rice sticking to the bottom of the pot because there is no more rice; 3. run out of gambling money or go bankrupt in a business. Nakárut siya sa tárì, wà giyuy nahibilin sa íyang kwarta, He lost all his money at the cockfights. He had nothing left. Nakárut ang tindáhan nga wà maáyu pagkadá, The store went bankrupt because it was not well managed.
n. carriage
n. a horse-drawn passenger carriage, usually four-wheeled; v. go, bring something by carriage.
see kamras.
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