n. hawk
n. kind of large hawk with chocolate-brown feathers and a white-colored breast; v. consider a hawk. (←) call to drive away chickens. -un n. 1. brown and white combination of chicken feathers; 2. name given to rays with wide wing-like extensions of the body which flap as they move through the water, esp. the eagle ray: Aetobatus narinari. banugbánug, tala-(←) n. kite; v. fly, make into a kite. Magbanugbánug (magtalabanug) ta sa plása, Let’s fly a kite in the plaza.
a. for fruits to be bruised; v. 1. soften fruits, for fruits to get bruised. Muban-ug (maban-ug) ang kapáyas ug sigíhag híkap, The papaya will get bruised if you keep touching it. 2. bruise by pounding. Ban-úgun giyud nang tulisag hisakpan, They will beat up that robber if they catch him.
a. implanted close to each other; v. for standing things to be implanted close to each other. Mibanus (nabanus) ang humayan nga giabunúhan, The field which was fertilized grew densely. Banusun (ibanus) gánì pagtanum ang mga lubi dílì mubúnga, Coconut trees planted too close to each other will not bear fruit.
v. 1. for something to happen after something else happened. Mibanus ang kaínit human muulan, The sun shone after the rain shower. Bansun gánì ang tímug, mukalma ang bagyu, The typhoon abates when the east wind lets up. 2. take over after someone Bansi ku dinhi sa kusína kay gikápuy ku, Take my place in the kitchen because I’m tired; 3. put on or wear something which belongs to someone else. Mamanus ku sa ímung tráhi kay wà kuy ikapatahì, I’ll wear your suit because I don’t have money to have one made. Maluag ang midiyas ug bansan (bansun) sa dakug tiil, The socks will loosen if someone with big feet wears them first. banusbánus v. 1. take turns in doing something Magbanusbánus tag dala sa baskit, Let’s take turns in carrying the basket. Banusbanúsi (banusbanúsa) ninyug pas-an ang kawáyan, Take turns in carrying the bamboo on your shoulders; 2. occur repeatedly one after the other. Magbanusbánus ang kalípay ug kasákit, Joys and sorrows follow one another repeatedly.
n. sheath of a coconut blossom.
n. 1. fatherland. Pilipínas ang ngán sa ámung banwa, Our country is called the Philippines; 2. town, village. Ang banwa sa Mandáwi mauswágun, The town of Mandaue is progressive.
n. thicket. Adtu ta maggapud ug igsulugnud sa banwa, Let’s cut firewood in the woods; v. become a thicket, let something revert to the forest. Nagbanwa (nagpabanwa) kug usa ka iktarya, I purposely allowed a hectare of my farm to revert to thicket. banwaánun 1. from the forest. Banwaánung sunuy, Wild rooster; 2. see tagabanwa. taga-, tagi-, banwaánun n. supernatural beings which inhabit woodlands, victimize people by rendering them invisible, and are capable of inflicting diseases. Sometimes they show themselves and even make love to women.
v. 1. illuminate a place. Banwágan kung agiánan sa súlù, I’ll light the way with a torch; 2. enlighten someone Ang ímung tambag mu ray makabanwag sa íyang kaisípan, Only your counsel can enlighten his mind; n. illumination.
n. beacon
n. kind of tree.
see balúnas.
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