n. kind of Indian wrestling, where the elbows are placed on a table and the opposing partners try to force each other’s arms to bend; v. engage in Indian wrestling.
n. kind of unarmed, thin-walled bamboo with straight smooth stems: Schizostachyum lumampao.
v. begin bubbling. bulùbulù v. bubble. Ug mubulùbulù ang tinula, haúna, Take the stew off when it simmers. Nagbulùbulù ang túbig sa tubud, The water at the spring is bubbling.
n. heavy weeding knife with a blunt rectangular end. — bataliyun n. group of volunteer guards without firearms.
see budbud, v1, 2; n1, 2.
n. low hill; v. be, become a hill. Búrun man kunu nà arun gamítun sa syúting, They will make a hill there for shooting films.
(not without l) v. cheat, fool. Kinsay nagbulug nímu íning kwartang minì? Who cheated you with this counterfeit money? Gibulug ang agáwun sa impliyádu nga pista upisyal run, The employee hoodwinked his boss into believing it was a holiday today; n. something used to fool, cheat someone
n. a kind of bolo around 20″ long with a flat end and curved blade having a pronounced concave bend on both top and bottom edges two-thirds of the way from the end.
n. groin; v. pinch someone or hit him in the groin. Bulgun ta ka ug buk-un nímu nang básu, I’ll hit you in the groin if you break that glass. paN- n. an infection of the lymph gland in the groin; v. have an infection of the lymph gland in the groin. -an, -an(←) see bulug.
n. whitish growth on the eyes which eventually causes blindness; v. get such a growth.
see bulug.
n. homework
(not without l) a. rotten; v. rot, decompose. Giaysan ang isdà arun dì mabuluk, They put the fish on ice so this would not rot.
a. 1. slow in comprehension, dull; v. be, become dull. Mubuluk (mabuluk) kag dì ka mutuun, You’ll become dull if you don’t study; 2. being hard to understand. Kabúk gud nímu. Ganíha úu, karun dílì. Dì kung kasabut, How hard it is to understand you. First you say yes, then no. I don’t understand.
n. a young coconut bud that can be tapped for toddy; v. for coconuts to put forth or develop buds.
n. 1. color. Putì ang paburitu kung búluk, White is my favorite color; 2. quality, tone of voice; v. 1. dye cloth red. Gibugkan ang íyang sinínag pula, Her dress was dyed red; 2. for the voice to change in quality. Nagbuluk ang ákung tíngug kay giubu ku, My voice changed because I caught cold.
v. for liquid to bubble continuously due to presence of gas, make a bubbling sound. Nagbulukbuluk ang túbig nga íyang gitidlúman, The water was bubbling where he was swimming under the water.
see balúkut.
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