1. see baláhak. 2..
v. laugh boisterously; n. boisterous laughter.
coconut drink
n. palm toddy one or two days old; v. make, become bahal. Ibaligyà ta ning tanan kay bahalan unyà ta, Let’s sell all of this, otherwise, our toddy will turn into bahal on us; a. for palm toddy to be aged two or three days. — nga syíti birnis see síti birnis. see birnis.
n. in charge of, responsible for. Aku nay bahálà sa tanan, I’ll take care of everything. — na I don’t care what happens, come what may. Bahálà nag unsay mahitabù basta makabawus lang ku, I don’t care what happens as long as I can get even. paN- v. 1. say one doesn’t care. Ákù siyang giingnan ayaw pagminyù, namahálà lang, When I told him not to get married, he just said he didn’t care; 2. assume responsibility for. Akuy mamahálà sa balayranan, I’ll take charge of the payments.
n. coconut toddy aged for several months; v. make aged palm toddy. Bahalináun ta ning tubáa, Let’s have this palm toddy age.
n. 1. team of militia workers. Tulu ka báhan sa písi, Three teams of constabulary men; 2. type of net fishing with a large group of people; v. tie in a row, large groups. Itángag ang púkut didtu sa búkung ug bunut. Unyà bahánun, Put the net on top of the shells and husks; then tie them in a row to the net. bahanbáhan v. gang around. Nagbahanbáhan na pud ang mga batan-un sa átung baryu, The youngsters are running around in gangs in our neighborhood. Dílì ku mutúgut nga makigbahanbáhan ka sa mga buguy, I don’t like you to gang around with those good-for-nothing fellows.
n. riches
n. treasure
n. wealth
n. wealth, treasure. maN-, maN-r- n. treasurer. Mamahandì (mamamahandì) sa lungsud, The treasurer of the town. -ánun a. wealthy. Kun dì ka bahandiánun, dì ka mapílì, If you are not wealthy, you will not get elected.
a. be low-priced at a certain season. Bahar ang mangga ug maabril, In April the price of mangoes is low; v. go down in price. pa- v. lower the price. Pabaharan ang prisyu unyà, The price will go down after a while.
see bahasbáhas. bahasbáhas v. go back and forth over an area rapidly. Ang dyit mibahasbáhas sa nahagsáan, The jet flew back and forth swiftly over the crash site. Dílì ka makakità sa tubag ug ímu lang ibahasbáhas (ipabahasbáhas) ang tinan-awan sa panid, You will never find the answer if you just let your eyes roam over the page.
v. 1. put an end to. Áway ang nagbáhas sa bayli, A quarrel ended the dance early. Sila ang nakabáhas sa pagkáun sa walà pa muabut ang mga bisíta, They consumed all the food before the visitors arrived; 2. cancel. Mubáhas giyud siya sa ímung lisinsiya, He will cancel your license. Ibáhas (bahásun) ang mga byáhi kun magbagyu, They cancel the flights if there is a storm.
see bahuulu.
a. 1. left over from before and not quite fresh. Ayaw aku sirbíhig báhawng pán, Don’t serve me old bread. Alisdi kanang túbig kay báhaw, Change this water. It’s left over from before; 2. old, stale news. Báhaw na nang balitáa, That’s old news; 3. fighting cock set out to fight a second time within a day or two after having fought. Báhaw na nang manúka. Lagmit bun-un nà, That cock is stale. Most likely he’ll be defeated; v. reserve food for some later time. Baháwun ta ning bibingka, Let’s put these rice cakes aside for later. Kanúnay lang ming baháwan káda káun, We always have food left over each meal. paN- n. 1. breakfast; 2. late afternoon snack consisting of rice or corn; v. eat breakfast, late afternoon meal. pamahawbahaw v. take a snack from the leftovers. Dúna ba tay ipamahawbahaw dihà? Do we have any leftovers to have as a snack? bahawbahaw n. kind of small insects that swarm over leftover food or garbage; v. be infested with this sort of insect.
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