n. venial sin. Ang salang binyal mapasaylu, Venial sins are forgiveable. — pa expression used in swearing, that one will do something Magbag-u na ku, binyal pa, I’ll change my ways, may I commit a venial sin if I don’t.
n. a kind of dish consisting of thinly sliced beef fried with spices and soy sauce; v. make, make into this dish.
n. acronym for the BPI, Bureau of Plant Industry.
n. beer.
see abir.
v. 1. pull, tug at something while standing still. Nagbira sila sa písì, They are having a tug-of-war with the rope. Biraha (ibira) nà sa wala, Pull it to the left; 2. attach property to repay a debt. Bayri ímung útang arun dì birahun ímung yútà, Pay your debts so your land won’t be foreclosed; 3. make an extension to a structure (pull on the dimensions). Birahi ang kusínag duha ka mitrus sa luyu, Add two meters to the kitchen in the back; 4. — ang kawit for a winner to treat to a drink of toddy. Nakadaug lagi ka, sígi biraha ang kawit, Since you won, you treat (lit. grab for the palm toddy container). 5. — sa kunut be wrinkled due to age (humorous). Gibira na siya sa kunut piru maminyug usab, She is old but she’s going to marry again; 6. strip fiber from abaca; n. 1. the extent or length of action of pulling something Gimab-an nákù ang pasul ug tulu ka bira, I shortened the fishing line by three arm lengths; 2. single act of hauling something Kining kargáha madala sa usa ka bira, This cargo can be taken in one trip; 3. command given to a driver to get moving. U sígi. Bira. All right. Let’s get going. birabíra n. line fishing in which one keeps pulling the line out repeatedly rather than just waiting; v. fish in this way. -da(←) n. a single trip or haul that a vehicle takes. Madá tas usa ka biráda, We can all be taken in one trip; v. make (so-and-so) many hauls. Makabiráda tag daghang pasahíru kay tábù, We can haul lots of passengers because it’s market day.
v. punch, beat up someone (slang). Birahun nákù nang hubug, I’ll beat up that drunk.
n. 1. screwdriver; 2. one who strips abaca fiber.
n. veranda; v. make, make into a veranda.
n. summer time (March, April, May); v. spend one’s summer vacation.
n. verbal, not written. Kuntrátung birbal, Verbal contract; v. make an agreement verbal.
see biribiki.
n. name given to numerous genera of ornamental and wild herbaceous members of the Verbenaceae.
n. 1. verb; 2. word, logos (Biblical). Ug ang birbu nahímung unud, And the word became flesh; v. conjugate a verb.
n. bird of paradise, an ornamental banana-like plant: Strelitzia reginae and Heliconia latispatha.
a. real, genuine. Birdadíru nga batu, Real precious gems.
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